NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

Eh, I was just wondering, when do you think the album will be out?
If they do enter the studio and start recording in March, I think it would be out around September.
It's as if they make 4 good songs, and then make 4-5 more filler songs just to complete album, which is never a good sign, but who knows, maybe this time with addition of Daniel they find some new energy and inspiration, and maybe his influences help the band make a new sound. I think that album will be out in October/November, if they finish the recording until May, it still needs 5-6 more months for everything else to be done.
I think the point of dividing songmaking to two periods is to even out the emphasis that goes to individual songs, so they all get enough attention to be good songs... And maybe you can first have rough ideas, but it would be hard to simultaneously try to complete 9 songs with all the little details honed to final form. So I think they make 4-5 songs completely ready first and record them for memorization, so they can forget those details when starting to fully work on other 4-5 songs.
And you didn't learn anything :D It's so far away. It's full winter now and that album will only be out once next summer is over. I just hope they use their potential for the album and do something exciting.
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They said it should be out September but no doubt there will be delays

They posted a story on instagram today the official COBHC. Moves around the studio then zooms on Janne on a mac. Loads of recordings on screen etc. So they’ve either started recording or they’re doing pre studio demos.
Looking at the setup, it surely is simple demos, nothing professionnal at this stage.

I'm still unsure. We know they record there own albums now in that warehouse they have. Just seems a bit strange to be recording pre demos 1 month before they're meant to be 'hitting the studio'. And what was so simple about the setup? Looked fine to me besides a mixing board. They could send raw recording to be mixed etc.
Well, he seems to me a real fanboy . He bothers NB for inside answers, then he promise us on an open forum, he will violate the rules for the fans, but he will buy the most expensive edition. Who is he, if not a hardcore fan :rofl:.;)
Well, yeah. I can of am when it comes to Children of Bodom. Not that fan who'll go screaming for Alexi in a concert though, more the one who is getting super duper excited just at the idea of hearing new material from CoB.
And I am completely against this "stance" against music sharing. It's been shown many times that people who download music are also the one buying most. I buy music from all the bands I like, but I like to have the opportunity to discover them online.
" We are going to be doing Facebook Live event talking about the recording of the new album and answering your questions!

Tune in to this space February 18th at 12 Noon PST / 3PM EST / 9PM CET / 10PM Helsinki

Chat then ;) "
It's strict they cannot reveal anything about the new music. Next summer they will promote the album by giving ready questions to magazines and replying the pre-determined answers which are the same every time. But it's always fun and interesting to watch their doings in studio.