NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

Something Wild is C#, but the drop string suggests lots of low chugging. I hope the guitar stuff on this album is faster and more evil in nature than recently.
They must think they will have 8 songs and 3 covers, like last time, because 11 sounds too much if they are entering the studio in a month...if seven songs are done, maybe the 8th is Knuckleduster? Who knows. The good thing is that I see a bit of energy back in the band after this 20th anniversary tour, but they should ditch these stupid nu - metal tunings. I think no one is obsessed to have neo classical shit back, we want atmospheric melodic death metal, fast tempo songs, new keyboard and drum sounds, and we want it to be spooky, hooky and melodic at same time. Enough with Malmsteen stuff if it doesn't serve the music. And if the album will be done in late May, then it is October/November release time, I guess, just like I said!
Dude they just said 11 songs, covers not included (someone wrote this, did they say that?), and no Knuckleduster (it was just a wild thing thrown by Henkka once and sadly I took it seriously) now you say it's 7 songs + Knuckleduster. Unbelievable turn of events.
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Dude they just said 11 songs, covers not included (someone wrote this, did they say that?), and no Knuckleduster (it was just a wild thing thrown by Henkka once and sadly I took it seriously) now you say it's 7 songs + Knuckleduster. Unbelievable turn of events.

Duuuude I didn't watch the livestream, I don't have facebook and I couldn't care less to watch them mumble weird shit to fans, I just read what was written here in the post, maybe I misunderstood everything :rofl: I thought they didn't specify if 11 songs are with or without covers? If they didn't specify, then everything can happen. They have a month until they enter studio, last fall they had 4-5 songs, now they have 7, how on earth will they write 4 songs in a month, if they needed 3 months for 2 songs :rofl:

I mean if they really do that, it's gonna be 4 filler songs that suck hard xD
They didn't say Knuckleduster was going to be there. Someone asked about it and Alexi was like ????????? And tbh I feel it would be kinda weird to put it on the album? Or maybe as an extra? I don't know. But the stream is on their FB page and you can still watch it, I watched it again last night because while it was on the connection was shitty and I couldn't hear half of the shit they said :D

They should somehow collect questions before filming so they could filter all the ALEXI I LOVE YOU stuff away and they could actually see the important questions. Me and my best friend asked a lot of questions but the only ones they saw were the shorter messages that were jokes.
I understood that they were shocked because we knew Knuckleduster will be on the album xD my bad

But I am all worried how will they make 4 songs in a month, what will those songs look like hahah...maybe some old riffs not used on previous two albums?
That's what some people think. I personally understood it differently but hope they were shocked just because we knew about Knuckleduster.
Otherwise, they did say it would be "10 (or most probably 11)" songs without counting the covers. So a 13/14 tracks album.
I also wonder how you can write quality material in such a short time. But eh, we'll see.
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They didn't say that Knuckleduster won't be on the album, they were just really surprised by the question. Either they were surprised that anyone would even think it's possible or they were surprised that we guessed that it's on the album.

As for the last four songs, they might be songs that are almost ready but need some work still. I don't think they'd say they'll have 11 songs on the album if they had nothing more than unconnected riffs left after finishing those 7 songs. Most likely they have 7 finished songs and 4 that are not yet ready.
Yeah man I know, I didn't watch it either. After Blooddrunk they have never revealed anything about the music beforehand, so it's pointless. Surprising to know the album colour in advance, and neo-classical influences... The style and such isn't everything, because it boils down to how kickass the songs are... I'd like something very brave and creative (in a good way), instead of a snore thru album.

11 songs of this type of music sounds really much... I would be surprised if all the songs are traditional. Could be they've built an efficient way to make new songs and go by a gut feeling when a new idea is presented for a song... Still 11 songs is so much it makes me think the songs will be shorter and faster than usual, but just a guess.
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As for the last four songs, they might be songs that are almost ready but need some work still. I don't think they'd say they'll have 11 songs on the album if they had nothing more than unconnected riffs left after finishing those 7 songs. Most likely they have 7 finished songs and 4 that are not yet ready.

Yep, there might be a certain riff or melody as foundation for a song that will be expanded later.
I personally am not bothered if they record 6 songs or 30 songs.. as long as they are good songs.
Also I think we should take the 'neo-classical' thing with a pinch of salt. How many times now have we heard "this song sounds like something of follow the reaper, or this song sounds like something off hatebreeder" They never really do. I'm personally just hoping for a solid album, I hope we can hear a significant difference with Daniel now in the band (whether he has had any contribution to writing guitars we don't know) Let's just pray for some studio updates/videos which show guitars/keys etc.
It will not sound like Blooddrunk.
Artwork looks 'creepy'.
Reaper is in the artwork... but they don't know what he's doing on it. There's no editing once the artwork is done, cos it's painted.
It has a name decided.
Daniel says the album is amazing.
There will be music video. (But no band playing in studio type video.)
At first Janne seemed surprised about the purple. It felt like a joke they're throwing around (knowing we've been talking about it). Then later they state it's purple.
Some sorrows in (Alexi's) life influence the lyrics.
Somebody does say the song length is "3 standard", hard to hear cos everybody talking at the same moment. Then they say "nothing sticks out yet", but they're between 3 - 4:30. What does this mean...?
Alexi's reaction to the Knuckleduster question seems he's surprised and angry about it leaking. Nobody says 'no.' So it will be on the album. That's fucking good news.
Not much progressive elements, only moments.
More fast songs than slow, one really fast.

Come on Janne stop bullying Daniel.

Getting good laughs. Jaska for president. Pig squeals on the album? :D It's too late night for this kinda stuff...
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I rewatched the Q&A and I must admit that it seems more and more to me that they are actually surprised that the fans know about Knuckleduster. Also, as Joonas said, no one actually says "no" or tries to deny it.
The fact that Knuckleduster would be considered "fitting" on this album is actually a really good sign. I always loved that song and thought it'd be one of the "hit" on AYDY.
Some 17 days until they enter studio with fully ready material. There's still maybe one song unwritten or they're creating the last songs from the ideas. I just hope it's courageous and creative, instead of going down the safe generic surprise-less route. With this musical opportunity it would be sad to let it go to waste.
I'm guessing artwork will look something like this. Reddish moon (or lightning) with night blue sky / lake shore / mist, and black silhouette environment. It does look eerie, sort of 'anticipating.' Slightly more red hue than here maybe, but not much, I think it will be on the blue side of purple more so than on the red side.

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