NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

Here's what I got from the facebook live:

- Artwork will be purple and handmade (not digitally made) by a guy they never worked with so far.

- Tuning will be the same as on the last album: Drop B / C#.

- There will be 11 songs, of which 7 are already written (without including covers).

- They will start recording on March, 25th. The album should be done by late May with a release in Autumn.

- The music video will be "oldschool" with the band simply playing, "No more bullshit" as Alexi said.

- There will be a lot of guitar solos on the album, but it hasn't been decided yet whether or not there will be songs without.

- The songs' length will vary from 3 to 4 minutes.

- There won't be a "ballad" but a slow song.

- Knuckleduster will not be a part of the album. Alexi was really surprised by those questions about this song, so I guess they didn't even think of it. (Apparently I might have misunderstood as lot of people seem to read in Alexi's reaction surprise that we know about it, which could mean that it actually is on the album, fingers crossed).

- They would be really interested by another DVD but since it doesn't sell anymore and making one is expensive, they don't think it will happen. However, the idea of a crowdfunding for a new DVD to "see if their is a demand from the fans" seemed to interest them, but they think the label would be against.

- They want to be more "socially" active and are considering making "live practice sessions" where the viewers could choose which band member they want to watch individually. The song quality would also be better than the previous life as they could be directly "plugged in".

- There will surely be "whispered vocals" in an Alice Cooper style.

- There will be guitar/keyboards unisons.

- There will be neoclassical parts.

- They will never do a song in Finnish.

About the tracklist:

- Song 2 is Henka's favourite.

- Song 4 is Alexi's second favourite and will be the slowest in the album. It will also be quite different. The "working title" for the song is "The beginning a Northern man" (but of course title changes).

- Song 6 is Alexi's third favourite

- Song 7 is Alexi's favourite.

- Janne's favourite song is currently named "Downtown Salieri" and will be the one with the neoclassical part. He stated that this song has a "really difficult keyboard rythm".

They repeated many times that they don't hate anymore neoclassical and that they have a growing interest in it. When someone asked "Will you bring neoclassical back?" Alexi answered "It's already back".

Daniel plays the solo on Glass Houses and Hexed.

Getting hyped for the new album :D
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That's the first thing I thought when I heard the question. I told my wife (who heard of Joonas of course) "I bet it's gonna be purple, after all those years, it will be and Joonas will be on cloud nine" and poof, there you go, the purple album, Joonas's holy graal.
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I’m pretty sure they are recording knuckleduster after watching it. They looked shocked that people knew and Alexi even said something along the lines of “someone must have said something”. Besides that though did anyone else notice the constant bullying towards Daniel? I kinda felt uncomfortable watching it
Here's what I got from the facebook live:

- Artwork will be purple and handmade (not digitally made) by a guy they never worked with so far.

- Tuning will be the same as on the last album: Drop B / C#.

- There will be 11 songs, of which 7 are already written (without including covers).

- They will start recording on March, 25th. The album should be done by late May with a release in Autumn.

- The music video will be "oldschool" with the band simply playing, "No more bullshit" as Alexi said.

- There will be a lot of guitar solos on the album, but it hasn't been decided yet whether or not there will be songs without.

- The songs' length will vary from 3 to 4 minutes.

- There won't be a "ballad" but a slow song.

- Knuckleduster will not be a part of the album. Alexi was really surprised by those questions about this song, so I guess they didn't even think of it.

- They would be really interested by another DVD but since it doesn't sell anymore and making one is expensive, they don't think it will happen. However, the idea of a crowdfunding for a new DVD to "see if their is a demand from the fans" seemed to interest them, but they think the label would be against.

- They want to be more "socially" active and are considering making "live practice sessions" where the viewers could choose which band member they want to watch individually. The song quality would also be better than the previous life as they could be directly "plugged in".

- There will surely be "whispered vocals" in an Alice Cooper style.

- There will be guitar/keyboards unisons.

- There will be neoclassical parts.

- They will never do a song in Finnish.

About the tracklist:

- Song 2 is Henka's favourite.

- Song 4 is Alexi's second favourite and will be the slowest in the album. It will also be quite different. The "working title" for the song is "The beginning a Northern man" (but of course title changes).

- Song 6 is Alexi's third favourite

- Song 7 is Alexi's favourite.

- Janne's favourite song is currently named "Downtown Salieri" and will be the one with the neoclassical part. He stated that this song has a "really difficult keyboard rythm".

They repeated many times that they don't hate anymore neoclassical and that they have a growing interest in it. When someone asked "Will you bring neoclassical back?" Alexi answered "It's already back".

Getting hyped for the new album :D
Oh fuck, this truly makes one hyped! Downtown Salieri and the other comments about neoclassical really sound like they're going back toward their old sound.

"Don't forget to make a Bodom song" :D
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Yeah, they're setting the expectation bar really high with these neoclassical claims. Let's hope they don't disappoint us on this point.

Also @AlixSB I completely agree, I felt really bad for him. Surely he'll never be as liked as Roope, but I feel like his "integration" isn't going so well.
I’m pretty sure they are recording knuckleduster after watching it. They looked shocked that people knew and Alexi even said something along the lines of “someone must have said something”. Besides that though did anyone else notice the constant bullying towards Daniel? I kinda felt uncomfortable watching it
Sounded like they're putting Knuckleduster on it to me too.

Read your comment before watching the video but them constantly poking fun at Daniel is quite obvious.
It's not only them, the fans too are quite "bullying". Must admit that I'm not satisfied with their choice for a new guitarist, but the dude's a part of the crew now, get over it...

Also I hope you're right. But it seemed clear to me that Knuckleduster wouldn't be on.
It's not only them, the fans too are quite "bullying". Must admit that I'm not satisfied with their choice for a new guitarist, but the dude's a part of the crew now, get over it...

Also I hope you're right. But it seemed clear to me that Knuckleduster wouldn't be on.
Either it's that they are surprised that people would even think about it being on the album or they are surprised that people have guessed that it is.

Daniel still seems like "the new guy" to me. They should get him to interact more and it'd make him feel more a part of the crew. Even in this one it was mostly Alexi, Janne and Henkka talking. Jaska said little and Daniel even less. Roope had been in the band for 8 years by the time I began listening to COB but he never felt like a new guy to me as he just felt so much a part of the group in all the Retards of Bodom etc. videos on YouTube.
Yeah exactly. Maybe the COBTv would help making him feel more as a part of the crew. You know, with all the stupid shit and stuff. But they seem much more laid back now, so it would still be different from what we got with Roope.
Besides that though did anyone else notice the constant bullying towards Daniel? I kinda felt uncomfortable watching it
I felt kinda bad that they cut him off when my friend asked about the tattoo... But you gotta remember we're talking about guys who are over thirty years old here. I didn't see it as bullying. Janne and Alexi make snarky comments all the time and cut eachother off in conversation but Daniel doesn't seem like the kinda guy who comes up with shit to say back so he just stays quiet? I don't know really. Janne can sometimes come off as kind of an ass when he says stuff like "haha none of your business" and "lol thats irrelevant to this", he has always been doing that. Tbh to me it looks like Daniel is just too nice for COB :D

It can be pretty hard to become a "part of the group" when these guys have known eachother for AGES and it's probably gonna take some time.

Anyway there were a lot of questions for him in the chat, I would have wanted to hear more from him.
I think the whole stream was a little awkward, would work better if it was just 1-3 people at a time.

As for the cover art, didn't they say it was going to be traditional art instead of digital? That's got me really excited!
I told my wife (who heard of Joonas of course) "I bet it's gonna be purple, after all those years, it will be and Joonas will be on cloud nine"


I think the purple might be a joke, to tease gullible fans, as the purple seems to have become a desired thing, the missing cup in the collection... What else could be purple and metal than a storm lightning over the lake? As in the images I've posted. So if it's hand drawn, that means it's gonna be like HCDR (which I dislike) or T,L&S (which I like). Strange to give this information so early, as usually it's the shocking surprise moment when you only find out once you see the artwork. But it's a nice tease. Purple is the color of evening twilight when the hue is closer to blue, but when it's closer to pink then I can't think of anything metal other than lightning...

11 songs... that's too fucking much... I'd trust 9 songs and do it well. Quality over quantity of course. 11 songs is cool if the songs are good. But does 11 songs include covers or not...? How can they have decided 11 songs if there's just 7 made? (Making those covers is a waste of energy and time and has become a bad habit.)

Neo-classical things involved, that was to be expected since they seem to finally listen to what fans want. But it's not by any means important to how good the songs are, it never was, it was a silly fan obsession. But if neo-classical comes with darker riffing then it's exciting... however, B/C# does not imply to a sharp, dark sound... unless they go all grim, more doomy than black...

Knuckleduster then is still a mystery, yes or no...

3-4 minutes? Meaning normal, or meaning there won't be songs longer than 4 mins? That would be radical. I suggested a few times to make shorter songs while making them more intense (faster and with musical information tightly packed.) This might be the most interesting tease so far. And shorter songs would explain having more songs (11). I think it's pointless to make Bodom songs longer than 4:20, most of the time. With this math the album would be 33 - 44 minutes long. 44 mins is about the average for them and that's with 9 songs. It would be exciting to have short songs and try to make the songs different.

So there's good news and bad news. I like purple and neo-classical, but I dislike the low tuning. Bodom's style sounds best in D. Well, very hard to say how it's gonna be, we'll see...
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Yeah those are purple for the sake of being purple. But the real life purple elements you find in nature are few. Who knows, it could be an artwork about a nightbar with purple neon lights... I think it will include the lake anyways.
Yeah those are purple for the sake of being purple. But the real life purple elements you find in nature are few. Who knows, it could be an artwork about a nightbar with purple neon lights... I think it will include the lake anyways.

Artworks don't have to necessary reflect a realistic scenario. Think of SW, FTR and HCDR for example.
I think the Sinergy album cover might actually be a good reference of what the new art might look like , provided they're not just straight up fucking with us.

Really psyched about all the teases and I too do think they seemed to be headed in a good direction , but I'm not gonna bring my hopes up too much after IWC