NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

He claims to feel well and now he's cancelling stuff? And if he does eat like Henkka says but has lost weight, something isn't right. An ulcer by itself shouldn't cause that either, GI organs heal quick and his weight loss has been going of for a while. Unless the ulcer isn't being treated because he's one of those guys who doesn't go to doctors. Now that he's married his wife surely should be getting on his case about taking care of himself.
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He claims to feel well and now he's cancelling stuff? And if he does eat like Henkka says but has lost weight, something isn't right. An ulcer by itself shouldn't cause that either, GI organs heal quick and his weight loss has been going of for a while. Unless the ulcer isn't being treated because he's one of those guys who doesn't go to doctors. Now that he's married his wife surely should be getting on his case about taking care of himself.

Yeah it's so weird, but let's wait what happens between the tour and summer festivals. Alexi should relax with his wife and take care of his health for a while
i really dont think its cancer folks. if he had cancer do you really think he would be spending possibly his last days on a tour bus? even if he was super stubborn about it dont believe his family, friends, wife, and even band mates would allow that.
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I do also think it's not cancer. But who knows... Maybe Alexi didn't visit a doctor yet so maybe he hasn't any diagnosis.

No, he's too young for cancer. And if it would really be cancer, he would spent his last weeks/months with his family and/or wife.
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Reminder to everyone who listens to the album on their computer:

The "secret" 1.30 min song at the end of the useless Knuckleduster remix was supposed to be the first track . The album flows way better when you start with that.

After listening to it many times, I think it's their best album since HCDR. There's at leats 4 or 5 songs that should qualify as classics. The five albums in between have 0-2 'classic' songs each, in my opinion.
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so last night i saw them live in boston and i got the VIP package so i met them.......and i gotta say Alexi looks even more frail and weak in person. he also seemed to walk very slow and almost with a very very slight limp literally like an elderly man. during the show i was only a couple rows back so i had a very good close view. He was not able to play or sing with energy at all. to me especially after seeing him in person it is very clear that there is in fact something very seriously wrong with his health, and if something doesnt drastically change for the better soon i dont see this guy living even a few more years....thats how bad he looks.
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I'm going to see them tonight. It's their last stop in the US I think? Hopefully he gets some help and rest after tonight.
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Well their next stop is June 1st Fortarock festival, Alexi better use this break to relax and get his life back on track... not sure if I would want to see them in this shape :/ sure I still go and see them at RockHarz in July and on their European tour but last time I went twice ^^
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Oh well I mean't twice on a specific tour (counting festivals as standalones) so if they don't get back in a good I just buy 1 ticket for the upcoming tour :D
Couldn't really get a look at Alexi's condition yesterday. He was covered with a hoodie and a hat. I was bombed for most of the show but made it to the front towards the end and encore. I was expecting him to look visibly tired, but he looked sharp and alert. Thought his face would be sunken and droopy, but it wasn't.
I’ve found the most damning evidence yet that something is seriously wrong with Alexi. Just listen to the lyrics of Say Never Look Back, he’s forgotten how to count to up 4!

One, two, three, you're now in a dream
Never look back, never look
'Cause you're gonna crack
Five, six, seven, see the flood lights beam“
On a serious note, that issue started pretty much after they did that Something Wild tour. I think someone said they had to get back into the mental mode they were in back then, to feel the music I guess. Maybe it wasn't good for Alexi to get back into those feelings?
I curious to see Alexis condition in a few week when they play their first festival show, well atleast if he doesn't wear a hoodie ^^