NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018


They finally play near where I live, but it's some 10 years too late, not gonna go.
They finally play near where I live, but it's some 10 years too late, not gonna go.

well I'm sorry if you feel this way :/ I can somehow understand you but I definitely going to see then twice this year (atleast if they do the European Hexed tour in fall)
I'd probably go if they played the Something Wild anniversary setlist, but with what the current one and with Alexi's health issues I know I'd be disappointed. You don't wanna be disappointed by a band you love.
I'd probably go if they played the Something Wild anniversary setlist, but with what the current one and with Alexi's health issues I know I'd be disappointed. You don't wanna be disappointed by a band you love.

I can completely relate. One of my favorite band as a teenager was Cradle of Filth. But even though then often played close to home, I never ever went to see them live because I knew how terrible they are on stage. I'd rather keep my love for the band intact by only listening to the studio album, than ruining it just to attend a live show.
I can completely relate. One of my favorite band as a teenager was Cradle of Filth. But even though then often played close to home, I never ever went to see them live because I knew how terrible they are on stage. I'd rather keep my love for the band intact by only listening to the studio album, than ruining it just to attend a live show.

I saw Cradle of Filth twice back in 2015 on a festival and afterwards a club show (which was even better than the festival show) so I can't talk bad about their live performance ^^ same with Dragonforce, I know so many people who talk shit that they suck live, but since Marc Hudson joined the band it was nothing but uphill for them! Damn I really need to see Dragonforce live again
So you would recommend going to a CoF concert?

I guess so, not sure what's their current shape but I see them at Wacken this year. Gonna tell you afterwards if I would still recommend it :) but the two shows in 2015 were great!
Because of all the videos I've seen online. Dani's screams on the albums are just fantastic, but he really struggles to reproduce them live. The highs sound like someone stepped on Donald Duck's balls, the lows are just a parody of growling, and the whispers are inaudible.
But if he actually manages to sing like he does on the album, then it could be worth trying.