NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

Saw the most recent live pics from a festival was it Fortarock or something, he looks a lot healthier than he did in march! Can't wait for the finnish festival dates I need to hear the new songs live even though its probably mostly gonna be the usual hate me and in your face but I hope they play Platitudes

And what was said about COF earlier I kinda have the same feeling. I love some of their albums but the live footage I've seen has been kinda shitty so I've never gone to see them even though there has been a couple chances. A friend of mine is a fan of COF and he has gone to see them twice but both times he left before the band finished bc it wasn't good. But I still kinda feel bad that I'm missing their set in nummirock this year.
Actually I was kinda nervous about bodom too at first because I'd seen some live vids that weren't good and the yeayea fuck yeaa fuckin awesomee fucckkk speaks between songs sounded kinda cringy to me at first lol. But I'm used to it now it wouldn't be bodom without it :D
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Saw the most recent live pics from a festival was it Fortarock or something, he looks a lot healthier than he did in march! Can't wait for the finnish festival dates I need to hear the new songs live even though its probably mostly gonna be the usual hate me and in your face but I hope they play Platitudes

And what was said about COF earlier I kinda have the same feeling. I love some of their albums but the live footage I've seen has been kinda shitty so I've never gone to see them even though there has been a couple chances. A friend of mine is a fan of COF and he has gone to see them twice but both times he left before the band finished bc it wasn't good. But I still kinda feel bad that I'm missing their set in nummirock this year.
Actually I was kinda nervous about bodom too at first because I'd seen some live vids that weren't good and the yeayea fuck yeaa fuckin awesomee fucckkk speaks between songs sounded kinda cringy to me at first lol. But I'm used to it now it wouldn't be bodom without it :D

F-bombs are not what I would change about their show... I have seen COB live once only, and sound quality was very bad (worse than ensiferum playing before them) and there was really no energy on stage. I mean alexi didn't even sweat I think, and that's fine I guess but I prefer the type of live performance when a band is tired afterwards. I dunno, seems more real to me.

I was wondering if the band name "children of bodom" sounds cool to you (native english)? Band names like Bodom, In Flames, Iced Earth, The Prodigy or any other of the million bands with an english name sound cool in some way for me - as long as I don't translate them into german.

In Flames is probably one of the cooles name for a band ever - even in german (in Flammen) but

Kinder von Bodom? Nope.

Same goes for lyrics. In english they sound cool, as long as I don't translate them.

I was wondering if the band name "children of bodom" sounds cool to you (native english)? Band names like Bodom, In Flames, Iced Earth, The Prodigy or any other of the million bands with an english name sound cool in some way for me - as long as I don't translate them into german.

In Flames is probably one of the cooles name for a band ever - even in german (in Flammen) but

Kinder von Bodom? Nope.

Same goes for lyrics. In english they sound cool, as long as I don't translate them.
Bodomin Lapset certainly sounds dumb in Finnish :D Tulessa (In Flames) is actually kinda decent. Taking Finnish band names and translating them to English results in some ridiculous ones too: Kotiteollisuus = Home Industry (Sounds pretty good in Finnish, but Home Industry? Not exactly cool :D )
Somehow Alexi was completely calm, emotionless and motionless while having lost weight massively. Supposedly he’s better now. I’d be really curious to know what was going on.
Wow there... What was that solo?! Like, seriously, I'm a mediocre guitarist and I can improvise/play better than that... I haven't been following with his current state, but I do hope he's doing better now, because what he's showing us on this video is nowhere close to what we've come to expect from such a legend.

I was wondering if the band name "children of bodom" sounds cool to you (native english)? Band names like Bodom, In Flames, Iced Earth, The Prodigy or any other of the million bands with an english name sound cool in some way for me - as long as I don't translate them into german.

In Flames is probably one of the cooles name for a band ever - even in german (in Flammen) but

Kinder von Bodom? Nope.

Same goes for lyrics. In english they sound cool, as long as I don't translate them.

Nah, Children of Bodom doesn't sound cool at all. The word "children" ruins it, and "Bodom" looks and sounds a bit too much like "bottom." It sure is a unique name though.

Most recent concert, final song. He can sing again, but can't growl. If, that's IF he's recovering from whatever, it'll take a while for him to regain muscle mass.
Bodomin Lapset certainly sounds dumb in Finnish :D
I think Children Of Bodom is a really good name if you think about it. Bodomin Lapset would work more as a book name than a band name it doesn't sound that much like a metal band. But I guess it kinda reminds me of a band called Lasten Hautausmaa (Childrens Graveyard) and it's not a metal band but there's some really cool songs.

I got high last night and was listening to Something Wild and remembered this thread and I have some thoughts... Now I don't think the band really put that much thought into the name as we know the name change story. But in the biography Alexi said that the word Children may have come as some sort of a subconscious Children Of the Corn reference. And well the Children Of Bodom single cover art does resemble the movie's cover art. At least I have a DVD that has a hand holding up an axe against a red background.
And the victims in the Bodom murders were teens. Basically just kids they were so young. That is a cool contrast there's innocent kids that meet an unexpected horrible end. It's kinda like Marilyn Manson you put together something good and evil and it sounds cool. Then there's the whole story about Alexi's past where he almost got killed in Espoo when he was just a kid and then he makes songs about those feelings. (Another detail in the biography was that he actually almost drowned as a kid but it wasn't lake bodom where it happened)
And sort of the band's aesthetic is that "you have to keep your inner teenager alive" but then again they had to grow up really fast because world is a shitty place sometimes.

And well Bodom by itself it isn't a finnish word really so associated with a murder mystery it pretty much is just if you said Doom or something. Idk for someone who lives near it it's probably just a beach but I live 300km away and all I can think is murder. But I visited it and it's nice. Same kinda name wouldn't work with other murder mysteries though :D Children of Tulilahti or Ulvila. (Midnight Auer :----DDDD) Nah. But Bodom sounds like some mysterious being or something.

Most people didn't know what Bodom is when the band started touring and it gave them attention too bc it sounds mysterious and then you think about names like Sodom or Burzum. Overall a lot of bands at the time had some B starting name and it does remind me of Dimmu Borgir too.

I think it's a pretty cool name but if you see it for the first time you may think Why is there the word Children in a metal band's name that's lame :D
That was deep I sure wonder why my friends tell me "enough of the autism" when I talk about COB :D
TL;DR if you think deeply about it COB as a name can symbolize being traumatized as a kid :D
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I think Children Of Bodom is a really good name if you think about it. Bodomin Lapset would work more as a book name than a band name it doesn't sound that much like a metal band. But I guess it kinda reminds me of a band called Lasten Hautausmaa (Childrens Graveyard) and it's not a metal band but there's some really cool songs.

I got high last night and was listening to Something Wild and remembered this thread and I have some thoughts... Now I don't think the band really put that much thought into the name as we know the name change story. But in the biography Alexi said that the word Children may have come as some sort of a subconscious Children Of the Corn reference. And well the Children Of Bodom single cover art does resemble the movie's cover art. At least I have a DVD that has a hand holding up an axe against a red background.
And the victims in the Bodom murders were teens. Basically just kids they were so young. That is a cool contrast there's innocent kids that meet an unexpected horrible end. It's kinda like Marilyn Manson you put together something good and evil and it sounds cool. Then there's the whole story about Alexi's past where he almost got killed in Espoo when he was just a kid and then he makes songs about those feelings. (Another detail in the biography was that he actually almost drowned as a kid but it wasn't lake bodom where it happened)
And sort of the band's aesthetic is that "you have to keep your inner teenager alive" but then again they had to grow up really fast because world is a shitty place sometimes.

And well Bodom by itself it isn't a finnish word really so associated with a murder mystery it pretty much is just if you said Doom or something. Idk for someone who lives near it it's probably just a beach but I live 300km away and all I can think is murder. But I visited it and it's nice. Same kinda name wouldn't work with other murder mysteries though :D Children of Tulilahti or Ulvila. (Midnight Auer :----DDDD) Nah. But Bodom sounds like some mysterious being or something.

Most people didn't know what Bodom is when the band started touring and it gave them attention too bc it sounds mysterious and then you think about names like Sodom or Burzum. Overall a lot of bands at the time had some B starting name and it does remind me of Dimmu Borgir too.

I think it's a pretty cool name but if you see it for the first time you may think Why is there the word Children in a metal band's name that's lame :D
That was deep I sure wonder why my friends tell me "enough of the autism" when I talk about COB :D
TL;DR if you think deeply about it COB as a name can symbolize being traumatized as a kid :D
Interesting stuff. Haven't read the book so a fair portion of this is new to me.

As for Bodom being just a beach for someone who lives near it, yes, that's completely true :D It had been "just a beach" for me for years by the time I first heard of the murders, not to speak of starting to listen to COB.
Interesting stuff. Haven't read the book so a fair portion of this is new to me.

As for Bodom being just a beach for someone who lives near it, yes, that's completely true :D It had been "just a beach" for me for years by the time I first heard of the murders, not to speak of starting to listen to COB.

Well it really isn't a scary place, went for a swim there last weekend :D Gotta be a lame experience to a foreign fan to take a trip to THE MURDER LAKE and just find some finnish normies blasting despacito :D (happened)

Fuck yeah turns out next friday is free bc midsummer so I'll be seeing COF and Hypocrisy and also COB on saturday!
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FINALLY! he comes clean about his sloppy playing. most of us already assumed it had something to do with his past injuries. its nice of him to finally admit it.

The video recorded maybe some months ago.

WTF?! It can't be true... It's looks likesome gave a guitar to a 80 year-old grandpa, who played the guitar when he was young. I'm glad that he has realised or just healed from whatever he got.