New albumcover suggestion. Honest oppinion please!!!

The cover has come along way since the original idea with those silly looking space age A's in "Alive Again" Hehe. I like this one! I don't think the cover should have too much to do with more people listening to the music. If a couple of the best songs are distributed around the net via mp3 so more people are exposed to Nightingale I think you'll see some sales increase for all Nightingale cd's. I know there are LOTS of people out there with the capacity to buy the "I" cd who just have never heard of Nightingale.
:devil: Hi Dan! My honest opinion is that it looks great, but the colours could perhaps be a little darker and the logo could be a little more "discreet". I liked the older cover a bit more but this one is quite good also.

Hälsningar från Finland!
endless discussion...
Dan and Matt, i think u should stop on curr. variant or that neva stops.
nice pic for sale cd in shops + good to use on t-shirts.
logo will looks nice on shirts i know...
when u'll give me a signal, i will put picture on index and news section of site for ppl can recognise it easly in the music stores.
Hi there!

Well, I do not think that the "I" cover would be as attracktive to people who don't know the music as this new "Alive again" one.

It looks pretty professional. It's a good idea to make a cover that does not look too "metal". For if you have a cross and a lightning on the cover then maybe some folks are frightened to buy it ("Ouaaah, Metal... nah!). Don't know. Could be so.
So this one is really good.

I also loved the handwriting. Using the logo is good. Recognizable Nightingale.

But to come to the details you mentioned, Dan:

There are two places of action in this artwork. The one are the letters, the other takes place at the lower right. People can't look at it without changing view from the upper side to the lower side. Hm... maybe that's just a problem I have, and noone else.

But I would put the logo and text centred as they are lower down into the middle of the graphic. So distances are shorter. And if then something is missing on the upper side, put some grey lines over the blank place (like the border on the right).

This is how I would do it now. Don't get me wrong, I would have never reached as far as you, Matt. This is brilliant so far! Good job, always!

So long

Nice! But it does seem a bit depressing with all of that grey. Maybe that's what you were going for... meh.

I also agree with Nico about the composition issue.

To tell the truth, I think it would be better if the cover actually depicted something more tangible, but I see that it's not what you're going for... Hmm.. guess I've been looking at too many Iron Maiden / power metal covers or something.

I'll shut up now.
@ nico: the text and logo were originally bottom-right corner as you suggested. I was asked to move them... point was well taken though, thanks!

TO be honest, I am tired of looking at it... I ghave it set as the wallpaper for all 3 of my computers so I would look at it constantly.... hehe...

Jupp, I agree. It could feature a elephant giving head to a rabbit. I would buy it anyway. Who gives a flying fuck about the cover? I mean, "Black Album" has not a very interesting cover, now does it? Still it contains some of the finest music of its genre, and therefore it sells like a mothaf#¤%er. In the end, it all comes back to if the music is good enough. As for Nightingale, it most certainly is!
Originally posted by Light
For example, I thought the Opeth reissues really screwed up the aesthetics of the originals by plastering the logo up on high just to 'fit in' with the later records. What's wrong with a good ol' jewel-case sticker, say?

In the US, the logo has ALWAYS been directly on the cover. I've never seen the covers without a logo, except on the web.
Before I start to nag I just want to say, this cover looks very good. If I we're to "covert buy" a CD this would be the one nevertheless there are stuff I would like to point out.

The dot border on the front bottom don't feel like they belong there, they break the "worn down" fealing of the image abit. Maby if some of them had "fallen off" and lay scattered abit it would feel more natural.

The lines on the bottom of the front has the same impression as the dots, to ordered... I like the square pattern thats faded all over the cover tho, its great!

The Nightingale text sticks out very much, perhaps abit to much. would you not want it to be "part" of the image? If so, perhaps it should have the same grayish colour as the backround with some other intensety scale.

The front text Alive Again is what feels most out of place of everything :p You should change it to have the same font and coulor as the same text on the backside...

// I wish I could draw that good