New ampsim: TSE X30

I have put it on hold since the feedback so far have been very positive.. I'm working on some other projects as well, but there will be a tweaked version in the future or a new version with both modes included..
Amp sim related? :u-huh: :heh:

Yeah I have some ampsim projects on my mind, I just have to test out some new ideas I got first :P

deLuther: I have mentioned a standalone poweramp simulation plugin in a thread here last week or something, that is one of the things I'm planning to do.. But I will see what I can do about your request.. :Saint:
Yeah I have some ampsim projects on my mind, I just have to test out some new ideas I got first :P

deLuther: I have mentioned a standalone poweramp simulation plugin in a thread here last week or something, that is one of the things I'm planning to do.. But I will see what I can do about your request.. :Saint:

Hmm sounds good, let me know if you need beta testers for any of your future projects ;) BTW a poweramp affects the tone with distorion and also slightly changes the frequency response of it, right? In that case make a frequency bypass switch on the poweramp for use with impulses that are recorded through poweramps. Most impulses (or at least the good ones) are recorded through the poweramp section.

BTW, isn't it possible for you to borrow an ENGL Savage, open it up and write down a schematic, or ask an amp tech that has experience with them to do it? Maybe there is someone on the forum with schematic skills that happens to have a Savage ;)
BTW, isn't it possible for you to borrow an ENGL Savage, open it up and write down a schematic, or ask an amp tech that has experience with them to do it? Maybe there is someone on the forum with schematic skills that happens to have a Savage ;)

Have you ever tried writing down schematics after a printed circuit board ? It's time consuming(!)

let me know if you need beta testers for any of your future projects

I'm working on several projects.. one of them is a project that goes under the workname 'TSE Amp Studio' so far.. The tube modeling approach on that one is more pointed towards AcmeBarGig's DSP model than NickCrow/LePou's analog approach because of flexibility.. So far it consists of 6 Gainstages with custom filters/gain/bias settings, 5 different well-known tonestacks, (+ three different powertube models when I get the time to model them)..Every unit/stage is bypassable.. When I get a better solution/efficiency on my analog approach it will get implemented instead for a less digital sound..

so.. I will let you know as soon as I have something ready to test out :lol:
today i tested it with a real engl, side by side, and OMG I LOVE YOU onqel you just saved me something like $$600+ (and i'm not like... particularly rich... at all...) you're a genius man
I'm still trying to get the X30 to sound closer to the real thing, or at least a little more brutal :P
..and I'm not sure yet if the next update will be loved or hated .. haha ..

Two clips ..
Iron Chef of Vag's DI's -> TSS -> X30 -> Framus Cobra Impulse -> HP@60hz LP@14kHz
Iron Chef of Vag's DI's -> X30 -> Framus Cobra Impulse -> HP@60hz LP@14kHz

Settings: Input: 3.8/10 , Drive: 8.3/10, Bass: 9/10, LoMid: 9.1/10, HiMid: 9.2/10, Treble: 9.4/10 ..Countor off, Trafo off

IMO the new clips sounds a little closer like the real thing, from what I've heard of it ..:P
I don't know your speaker setup, but the non-ts version has a little more "oomph" in the low end .. hehe .. I don't know if the Framus impulse is the best one to use when showing off tone.. and I'm not the right man to make tone-demos :P
I like using the Framus Cobra impulses, will download and listen to these samples later on, still havent had chance to try the X30 out yet, but i can't wait...