New ampsim: TSE X30

Ive contacted Paypal about the issue in november and they havent been helpful to solve this problem yet.. im gonna look for an alternative.. tbh, i havent been able to accept a single donation so far, they have just bounced back.. have "lost" some money because of that :/

thanks to anyone who have tried atleast ;) I appreciate it, and I hope you'll reconsider doing it again when I have the possibility to actually accept them..
I got a mail from Dallas Hodgson, the creator of Cakewalk's first ampsim back in 1999.. He have a impulse of the frequency compensated line out of the E530 (the internal cab sim) for anyone who's interested, it can be found on this page:
(He thought it would be cool to implement it in the ampsim)
I got a mail from Dallas Hodgson, the creator of Cakewalk's first ampsim back in 1999.. He have a impulse of the frequency compensated line out of the E530 (the internal cab sim) for anyone who's interested, it can be found on this page:
(He thought it would be cool to implement it in the ampsim)

the E530 freq compensated out sounds really bad IMHO.
there's no need to implement it.

the E530 freq compensated out sounds really bad IMHO.
there's no need to implement it.


Gee, the things you find on the Net when you go searching for links back to your own Website. In my own humble opinion, which I shall back with proof, the E530's freq compensated out sounds quite good. But even if it didn't, it wouldn't matter because Onqel's E530 sim is attempting to model the original device, which means warts 'n all - don't it?

Onqel, I never heard back from you when I passed along that info on the 18th. A courtesy reply would have been nice.


Onqel, I never heard back from you when I passed along that info on the 18th. A courtesy reply would have been nice.



Sorry, I replied on your last mail just before I read this post..
Your contribution is much appreciated ;)
Not at all, Brian. For every accurate review of something on the Net, it seems like there's another five speaking authoratitively who haven't actually tried it, didn't know how to get the best out of it, or were just passing along something they heard from a friend of a friend. On some forums that's enough to quash all discussion, without adding anything positive.

Every clip I've heard of any amp/preamp's frequency compensated output has sounded crappy.
Every clip I've heard of the e530's frequency compensated output has sounded crappy.

Would love to hear one that doesn't, but I doubt I'm the only one who has yet to!
Hell, I tried out X30 for the first time today and I'll count it as the second best ampsim to date (sorry, I liked LePous 456 a tiny bit better). I would uninstall Revalver in a split-second, if X30 was a native OSX-plugin!
Not at all, Brian. For every accurate review of something on the Net, it seems like there's another five speaking authoratitively who haven't actually tried it, didn't know how to get the best out of it, or were just passing along something they heard from a friend of a friend. On some forums that's enough to quash all discussion, without adding anything positive.


I owned an e530 for over a year. I experimented many times with recording it, from micing it up with the built in power amp, using the frequency compensated out, using the FC out with an impulse, and with using the standard line out with an impulse.

The FC line out sounded by FAR the worst.

Additionally, IMO, the point of a software amp sim isn't to replicate the exact tone of every feature of the unit, but rather, get the same good quality sound and character that the original has under optimum conditions.

Feel free to agree to disagree on the quality of the E530's FC out - I'm not about to defend subjectives, but I think the link I posted speaks for itself. I've had that demo online for so long now that I'm not looking for feedback on it - enough people have gotten back to me regarding its quality that I'm pretty confident about where it stands, tone-wise.

Secondly, at the risk of having more people pile on, my logic stands - if you're going to be emulating a piece of hardware, you should either nail it to the fullest extent possible, or give up any claims to sounding "similar" to something. Personally, I rather like the X30 plugin, although I would not want to claim it as being an accurate emulation of anything - its lack of clean channel and very different EQ contour curve attests to that. This by no means is meant as a criticism of the plugin's author or its users, it's merely my evalation from an engineer's persective.

Thirdly, the impulse I passed along to John was in the spirit of one techie helping out another and I'm surprised to have gotten any other responses in this thread beyond "hey - thanks for the impulse! Cool!" In other words, I contibuted something free, and of benefit, to a fellow programmer and that's the spirit with which this should have been taken. And would have been, had my private email to the author not been publically reposted. (Not that I mind, but dem's just the facts.)

The FC's out is technically interesting because it's one of those rare cases where it's actually -possible- to grab a clean impulse of the cab emu independent of the rest of the preamp - which is something you can't do with most amps. From there, the impulse is readily analyzable and deconstuctible in analog terms, in case John decides to do a proper IIR filter to emulate it (and compare against the schematic's filter itself.) The hardest part would be the filter design itself, but once done the code and CPU impact would be minimal - a real win for the simulation, I think.

I only posted the link to your impulse, which people would have found anyway if they searched for "E530 impulse".. your page is on the first page of google's search results..
and I can't see the problem here? I posted the information about the author (you) along with the link :)

The problem here is that a good percentage of these people work as professional audio engineers and the sound/tone of the compensated frequency out of the E530 doesn't necessarily fit as good in a mix than a good CAB impulse/Mic'd cab..
I have posted A/B demos of the plugin and the real thing, and I couldn't have done it better with the knowledge I had last year.. I have updated it regulary as my knowledge grows and it's closer now than the first versions ;) If the contour doesn't shift the EQ as it should it's because of the reverse-engineered schematic I was modeling after..

It's wrong of you to say that it isn't a simulation of anything because of the lack of a clean channel etc. I mainly ditched that because of getting the project smaller and potential legal issues trying to copy the sound of a gear that is still found in the shop.. It's still a simulation of the Lead channel, even if it doesn't phase out the original one

OK, let this be my last post on this forum then y'alls can go about your business.

Onqel, what you were aiming for is a subset of the device. Therefore, it is not an emulation of the entire E530, but of the E530's Lead Channel. And since we're talking about freeware, it's really no big deal. But if you went commercial with it, this aspect would have to be made more clear so there were no surprises on the consumer's end. It's a tough world in amp sim land; many plugs sidestep direct comparisons by labelling themselves something "similar", partly to avoid IP infringement but partly to be avoid being nailed by the magazine reviewers, too. I know you're working on the rest of the functionality, so I tip my hat to you.

Off the record, the one company that really breaks their back on nailing their simulations is UA audio. I've met their lead developers and saw what they do behind the scenes in Santa Cruz - it's all quite amazing and they deserve a salute - nothing gets by them. Nothing. If you happen to be in my area, look me up and I'll do what I can to schedule a tour - it's eye-opening.

For the tone chasers out there, I made the claim that the demo was in the "pretty darn good" category, which it is. In other words, it's euphonic. I assume all responsibility for the quick mix, and the EQ I used is admittely rather warm on the lead but that's where my tastes were at the time - sick of gritty, buzzy scooped mids! If anybody would like to EQ it differently, the stems are available on my Website (see the ENGL review) and the rhythm guitars are well defined and up to commercial standards for that style of music.

For everyone else who enjoys micing their cabs or playing with their impulses, I leave you to it - I do the same, but only for the stuff that really matters. Most of the time I just want to hit record and go, and for me that means simultaneously recording (in stereo) both the cab and non-cab outs. This gives me instant results now -and- endless tweakability later, which means the best of both worlds.

Good luck,

IMPULSES > frequency compensated output
If the ampsim sounds like it sounds with impulses, there is really no need to spend precious time trying to model the inferior part of the real thing.

OK, let this be my last post on this forum then y'alls can go about your business.
I may disagree with you on this topic, but you are welcome here.

ps. All lighten up and be friends !
I know it's been said many times before, but Mac version please. I have to say that the clips I've heard were all freaking ridiculous. Why can't all modelling be this well done?