New ampsim: TSE X30

"And my axe!"

Meaning that I'd love to help making the AU version work too. I'm running Logic 9 on 10.5.8. Maybe 10.5.9 (Snow Leopard) soon.
Ongel...YES I believe that VMWare will completely mimic a full machine right down to the Bios HDD and web connection.
I would be down for test-driving a Mac version as well. Pretty please! I am VERY impressed with the clips I've heard of your sim. :)
Looking forward to the stereo mode and CPU load reduction! :)
That's exactly what I need for my Athlon XP 3000+... right now I can run exactly two instances (with LeCab and minor other stuff) before maxing out the CPU. And then I have to be careful not to hit the space bar. :D

I still think that Nick Crow's idea to enable high quality mode only on mixdown was absolutely genius, 8505 is by far the best ampsim for people with older PCs.
damn i've been checking this thread every hour (my city is hot as hell right now plz someone kill me i can't sleep) can't wait for the low cpu version 'cause i'm on an athlon 3000+ too, and i hate having to freeze every single clip to build a whole track and then not having the posibility to change it... i even stopped using my beloved FL through rewire for the drums =(
The HQ idea is a cool feature yeah...
I still think that Nick Crow's idea to enable high quality mode only on mixdown was absolutely genius, 8505 is by far the best ampsim for people with older PCs.

I could do that too, the X30 is running at 4X oversampling (176.4kHz internally) at 44.1kHz samplerate as default (2x at 88.2/96kHz).. 8505 is also 4X (in high quality mode.. ), I can make a test on how much it would affect the sound:Smokin:
I might be talking bullshit, but I remember I read it somewhere.. could be one of the previous amps :\ (I'm sorry if it's incorrect)
From the quality tests I have made comparing my 8x algo with Nick's sim, my guess is that the 8505 and the 7170 use at least 16x on High Quality.
From the quality tests I have made comparing my 8x algo with Nick's sim, my guess is that the 8505 and the 7170 use at least 16x on High Quality.

If he reads this I hope he can confirm it.. :) I'm impressed anyway, and your 8x algo is just as good :kickass:
And your full hardware signal chain is ?

Just guitar straight into the ADC/DAC2000 at a reasonable signal strength.
The signal is not distorted at all. Then it goes directly to the TSE and SIR2 and then towards the output channels to my normal stereo amp. (no compression/eq-ing or whatever)

* Life is a hard being a sound noob *
If he reads this I hope he can confirm it.. :) I'm impressed anyway, and your 8x algo is just as good :kickass:

Thanks John. My algo at 8x is not bad but I think in terms of quality nothing beats Nick's stuffs. Feed any of Nick's sim (no cab) with a pure sin wave and look at the output spectrum... it's very very clean even at high frequency. You will never ever hear unwanted noise from Nick's sim even at High Gain.

New update on ..
-stereo/dual mode
-26% faster code :lol:

(This is my "main forum", so every updates/new ampsims will be announced here first)

With stereo mode..

If I have quadtracked guitars, is it better to have 2 separate stereo plugins? Or can I just route all 4 into the one stereo plugin? And if it has to be 2 separate stereo plugins, for the one that is panned 80/80, is it better to pan 100/100 into the amp and then narrow the stereo image afterwards, or is it alright to run 80/80 into the amp sim?

If that makes sense..

Basically does 'stereo' just have 2 amps 100L and 100R, or does it just take whatevers going in and spit it out at the same panning position?
i wouldnt run more than 1 guitar through the mono version, or 2 guitars through the stereo version. it'd probably end up being akin to reamping 2 guitars through the same mono amp, would end up being cluttered/conflicting

personally i have no use for a stereo version. i would rather run 1 plug series per track, like you'd do if it were real equipment. a stereo version with lecab's stereo output is cool sounding but redundant for recording since you could copy/paste if you really needed to.

With stereo mode..

If I have quadtracked guitars, is it better to have 2 separate stereo plugins? Or can I just route all 4 into the one stereo plugin? And if it has to be 2 separate stereo plugins, for the one that is panned 80/80, is it better to pan 100/100 into the amp and then narrow the stereo image afterwards, or is it alright to run 80/80 into the amp sim?

If that makes sense..

Basically does 'stereo' just have 2 amps 100L and 100R, or does it just take whatevers going in and spit it out at the same panning position?
With stereo mode..

If I have quadtracked guitars, is it better to have 2 separate stereo plugins? Or can I just route all 4 into the one stereo plugin? And if it has to be 2 separate stereo plugins, for the one that is panned 80/80, is it better to pan 100/100 into the amp and then narrow the stereo image afterwards, or is it alright to run 80/80 into the amp sim?

If that makes sense..

Basically does 'stereo' just have 2 amps 100L and 100R, or does it just take whatevers going in and spit it out at the same panning position?

Run max two guitars through the sim, hard panned left and right.. Use LeCab and Pan there..