New Angra

Braxil said:
You don't like Holy Land at all?

I LOVE Holy Land, heck I love all their albums. I was just saying that over time, this album can only be ranked as high as 4 for me. We'll see....
Well as far as I'm concerned, this one is up for the "Worst Angra Album" title along with Fireworks, but so far I still think Fireworks was better, we'll see what time does to my opinion....
Braxil said:
Well as far as I'm concerned, this one is up for the "Worst Angra Album" title along with Fireworks, but so far I still think Fireworks was better, we'll see what time does to my opinion....

I can't see me ranking this lower than Fireworks so its gotta be 4 or 5 for me.

I need to pull out Holy Land and give it a spin. :heh:
Kind of unrelated, but weren't they talking about some Temple of Shadows tour dvd last year? I remember it had an awesome setlist, what happened to that?
Braxil said:
Kind of unrelated, but weren't they talking about some Temple of Shadows tour dvd last year? I remember it had an awesome setlist, what happened to that?

Some little problems during the show made the band decide to release a live DVD after the upcoming tour, to celebrate the 15 years of the band. It makes more sense.

Also, the guests couldn't make it to that show. Only two I believe, and one of them (a Brazilian female singer to do Sabine's parts) had a microphone malfunction and nobody even heard her. :lol: