New Avantasia to be a double album

Sounds good to me. Plus we get Klaus Meine and Russel Allen, who haven't been on Avantasia albums before.

Heck, I don't think Klaus Meine has done anything other than the Scorpions, ever.
Hey, this sounds great! Glad to see Tobias stirring up the vocal pool and adding some of my favorite singers. Saw Klaus a little over a year ago and he sounded fantastic!

ahhh i cant wait :)

i wonder what the chances of having edguy at progpower are? Glen! PRETTY PLEASE!?!??!

their probably astronomically expensive
Whooo hooo!!! Call me excited. Love me some Avantasia and Edguy! I really can honestly say that on a spectrum of HATE to LOVE Sammet's stuff is one of the very few bands that I find almost 90% of his material to be toward the "love" side. That's especially impressive given then amount of it. I even really dig the melodic stuff and the albums like Rocket Ride that people don't enjoy so I can't wait for this!
I'll be "that guy": I hate the most recent Avantasia. I think it was a poor take on the spirit of Avantasia's 1 and 2. Only the title track - which is a carbon copy of the Edguy song Piper Never Dies - was truly outstanding, with a few bright moments peppered throughout the rest. A lot of it is just throwaway material. I actually think Edguy's last album Tinnitus Sanctus is a better album.
I'll be "that guy": I hate the most recent Avantasia. I think it was a poor take on the spirit of Avantasia's 1 and 2. Only the title track - which is a carbon copy of the Edguy song Piper Never Dies - was truly outstanding, with a few bright moments peppered throughout the rest. A lot of it is just throwaway material. I actually think Edguy's last album Tinnitus Sanctus is a better album.

And I think the opposite. Tinnitus Sanctus is probably the weakest of Edguy's albums. While I wouldn't say The Scarecrow was great, it had some great songs on it.
Killer Picture !!!!!!! :headbang:
Thanks! Was a killer show! There's a few more here if you are interested.

I think the new Advantasia has immense possibilities, though I do hope Tobias leans more towards the complexity of the first two. He seems to have been in a more "straight-forward period" lately.
I'll be "that guy": I hate the most recent Avantasia. I think it was a poor take on the spirit of Avantasia's 1 and 2. Only the title track - which is a carbon copy of the Edguy song Piper Never Dies - was truly outstanding, with a few bright moments peppered throughout the rest. A lot of it is just throwaway material. I actually think Edguy's last album Tinnitus Sanctus is a better album.

Wow! Interesting. While I'll gladly agree with you that the latest Avantasia wasn't even on the same playing field as 1 and 2, it certainly is better than the latest Edguy, which I believe is the ABSOLUTE WORST thing Tobi has ever done. I found it boring and almost like he rushed it. I'm beginning to see Tobi putting more care into Avantasia than Edguy, which is too bad because Edguy is really great, and unlike a lot of people, I LOVED Rocket Ride.

As for them playing Progpower, I think it's definitely possible. I mean they have tours here pretty frequently, so I doubt they'd be out of reach for the festival. Even though they've played twice before, I wouldn't see any reason not to. I mean look at Kamelot. This is at least their third time. Avantasia on the other hand is another story. Them and Ayreon are only possible as Glenn said if he won the lottery.
As for them playing Progpower, I think it's definitely possible. I mean they have tours here pretty frequently, so I doubt they'd be out of reach for the festival. Even though they've played twice before, I wouldn't see any reason not to. I mean look at Kamelot. This is at least their third time. Avantasia on the other hand is another story. Them and Ayreon are only possible as Glenn said if he won the lottery.
Evergrey's been a three-peat too, right?
The thing is, Edguy (and Symphony X, and Evergrey) 's last ProgPower appearances were in the highest slots. There's nowhere else for them to go. Basically, they have "graduated" from ProgPower. Edguy is and will continue to be touring through cities near us.
The thing is, Edguy (and Symphony X, and Evergrey) 's last ProgPower appearances were in the highest slots. There's nowhere else for them to go. Basically, they have "graduated" from ProgPower. Edguy is and will continue to be touring through cities near us.

What do you mean "graduated?" Do bands graduate from Wacken? Bang Your Head? Sweden Rock? No. Bands come back and play every few years when they have an album or two of new material.

And of course it would be someone from Boston area (how many posts will it take for someone from NYC or someone who lives near Jaxx to agree) to bring up "touring through cities near us." Edguy has NEVER come to Texas or much of the South. I've had to travel to Atlanta, Chicago and Detroit so far to see them. Since I'm already going to Atlanta for PPUSA every year anyway, having one of my favorite bands on the bill, especially one that never comes my way is always a treat because it saves me from having to make a separate trip somewhere just to see them. Those of you who live in NYC, near Jaxx, California and the other 4 or 5 US locations that get all the good shows have no idea how lucky you have it.
Andy Laudano certainly has a good point, I wouldn't argue with that. Saying "graduated" is just an expression. And a fest the size of ProgPower has a lower threshold than a fest like Wacken or Sweden Rock too. Those are fests who aim to be the biggest fests in their area (and the world) and thus book the biggest bands possible. If ProgPower had the same goal, Glenn would be actively trying expand it year after year until we could be having Dream Theater and Queensryche headlining every other year. What I posted was the reason I think Edguy realistically will not be back soon. What Andy L posted was a personal reason why he hopes they do come back. So they weren't really opposing arguments about the same thing. I sure as hell would not ignore Edguy at another headlining slot at PPUSA - I'd love to see that again.
I would think that the real reason Edguy probably won't be back is that they no longer fit in with the festival. This is not a power metal or a prog band. They are in Pink Cream 69 territory, and although they were at the fest, it doesn't seem like we'll be seeing any more hard rock bands at the fest.