New Bodom EP name


Mar 8, 2004
Now im not gonna write off anything or make any insanely stupid comments, but lets face the facts, we all have first impressions. When i read the name of new EP on i said to myself "Geez, I can't imagine any towards dead ends or downfalls with a title like that". The kinda music i imagine is more heavy thrash stuff like HCDR. Doesn't matter though, because whatever Bodom does im sure they will make it sound good. What were your guys opinions on this one.
I had the priveledge to accompany the fine young gentlemen of CoB in the studio for the recording of their new opus, and I must emphasize to you the importance of not judging a book by it's cover. Trashed, Lost & Strungout! is an absolute masterpiece. The two new compositions are each beyond the ten minute mark and incorporate a new dimension of poetry, subtlety, and beauty that I've never before heard from these fine young men. They explore all sorts of musical ground on this experimental accomplishment, from freeform avant jazz, to the most brutal death metal you'll ever hear, to some lovely moments of folk, and even some electronica in the more ambient and atmospheric vein of Arovane and the like. This is a release that will shock fans greatly, but with an open mind I think you'll all be able to appreciate what they've done.
are you serious. COB songs hitting the ten minute mark. That will definitely be something to hear. I know alexi is a master songwriter but im totally excited to see how he can write an epic song. Hey by the way, do you know who wrote these songs. Was it alexi himself, or was it the entire band.
nikon87 said:
Trashed, Lost & Strungout . :OMG: That's a weird name for the EP . Anyway , some of us laughed at HCD song names ... and the songs still kicked butt .
Good point. I think they will rock. Bodom has never ever dissapointed me with any song or cover, I doubt they would do it now. See, we are all saying, bands get worse as they make more albums, blah blah blah. Listen, if you saw COB live after HCDR, you would see that Alexi along with the rest of the band has greatly improved. Although the songs are easier, I think that they are more talented than ever before, and I cannot wait for Trashed...lost....what was it again?
i dont really care. Hatecrew Death Roll was a pretty stupid album title and so were their song names...

but they kicked ass. and I while I love old Bodom I've liked the thrashier sound from HCDR. i don't really care if all their songs are called "Touch the Emotion" or "Fucking The Dark Necrowizard of The Black Abysmmal Firemountain" as long as they keep kicking ass
Bodom-Metal said:
i dont really care. Hatecrew Death Roll was a pretty stupid album title and so were their song names...

but they kicked ass. and I while I love old Bodom I've liked the thrashier sound from HCDR. i don't really care if all their songs are called "Touch the Emotion" or "Fucking The Dark Necrowizard of The Black Abysmmal Firemountain" as long as they keep kicking ass



VaroaMiettiäShakma said:
alexi rights pretty much all the songs alexander kuopalla helps on some, jannes had some ideas but tehy were more progressive power metal so i think thats one of his reasons for forming warmen