Justin G
Yet you still won't give bands like UFO or Heep a chance.....
For shame......for shame.......
Seriously. Uriah Heep and Magnum go together like Helloween and Gamma Ray.
Yet you still won't give bands like UFO or Heep a chance.....
For shame......for shame.......
Yet you still won't give bands like UFO or Heep a chance.....
For shame......for shame.......
Seriously. Uriah Heep and Magnum go together like Helloween and Gamma Ray.
I listened to enough on Youtube for me to know it isnt my thing.
There would be no Helloween or Gamma Ray without Heep.
and there would be no Heep without the Beatles and ....your point is?
I hate that statement you made....who cares if a band wouldnt exist because another. Why should I HAVE to like something because another bands influenced them?
Have you made it around to their mid '80s albums like Abominog where they sound like Foreigner? I love that stuff.
I never really got high either, which might have prevented my Floyd love.
I love Pink Floyd, but that's a whole other topic.....
Taking it back to the Beatles is quite a stretch.
There is a definite direct influence of Heep on many bands you like.
I always really enjoy discovering older bands and going, "wow, so that's where Band X really got their sound"
It just seems you limit yourself to the current bands and ignore the bands who did it first, and often times better.
DoomSword and Grand Magus are two examples. You love them, but say Manilla Road and Candlemass suck.
I seriously don't know in any universe how that could make sense.
Hey, it's all subjective. Your likes are just the quirkiest in the business!!!! LOL
Holy sh*t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You got Rick Cope's autograph????????????
I would just like to go on record here and say that Atlantean Kodex is the single greatest Epic Heavy Metal band currently active right now. With the possible exception of Solstice, if you consider them Epic Heavy Metal. Anyone who disagrees shall be challenged to a mace duel.Cds:
Atlantean Kodex - The Golden Bough
Atlantean Kodex - The Pnakotic Demos