Trade haul:
Satan - Court in the Act (Metal Mind #1895/2000)
And I ordered Life Sentence this weekend :hotjump:
How is this?
not only issue with it is that lots of the songs sound the same and there isnt much difference or ones that really stand out. It is good but I think most of the songs will work better in a live setting.
Ravensthorn - Horrors of the Black Mass
Is this the new one? or their last one?
Where did you get it from?
$4 on SKR bud
Where? I went to their site and they dont have any Ravensthorn.
Yeah, I can't stand for people like that.
That's it Lee!!! You are kicked out of the band!!!!!
those first two Elric books are fucking class, man. goes downhill afterward, but worth finishing the series
Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor