Not For Wimps
I wasnt a reader at all but doing the eternal champion release inspired me to pick up the eternal champion book and im loving it. So i found the elric ones for a buck each so i purhased em for a later read. Im really getting into the swords and sorcery books now.
Elric is great! I think the best ones in the series, besides "Elric of Melnibone," were the ones that were written first. Those being the first five short stories collected as "The Stealer of Souls," and the novel "Stormbringer." A lot of the stuff written after that doesn't have the same feel. Especially the ones written after the '70s, avoid those.
If you want recommendations for more swords & sorcery, I can give you a long, long list. Here's a short one:
Poul Anderson - The Broken Sword
A. Merritt - The Ship of Ishtar
Jack Vance - The Dying Earth
Clark Ashton Smith - everything