new CD's.......

Once June 7 rolls around I will have plenty of new stuff. This is what I have for pre-order on that day:

Arch Enemy - Khaos Legions
Hammerfall - Infected
Amorphis - Beginning of Times
Gigan - Quasi-Hallucinogenic Sonic Landscapes
Falconer - Armod

After writing those down, I just found that the new TYR is on that day as well. Damn, that's a huge release day.
Ah ha! See, it is pretty good. I'm surprised you actually gave it a shot since you bitched about them not being that good back in the day.

YEP! Admitted fully, as per my note in parentheses........

Just like Fates Warning, Sanctuary was a band back in the day that didn't appeal to guys like me who were mainly into thrash, and halfway towards punk and hardcore through crossover bands.

I have a laundry list of bands from back in the day that I know didn't appeal to me then that I think might now, such as Anacrusis, Helstar, etc, etc...
YEP! Admitted fully, as per my note in parentheses........

Just like Fates Warning, Sanctuary was a band back in the day that didn't appeal to guys like me who were mainly into thrash, and halfway towards punk and hardcore through crossover bands.

I have a laundry list of bands from back in the day that I know didn't appeal to me then that I think might now, such as Anacrusis, Helstar, etc, etc...

It happens all the time. There are bands that I may have tried a couple years prior and didn't get, yet I'll try again years later and love them. Believe it or not, Maiden was like that for me for instance.

I think you'd like Helstar. It's funny you mention Anacrusis because I just started trying getting into them and well, they're one of those that just doesn't do it for me for some reason.
I saw ANACRUSIS a couple times back in the day.
Yeah, they were WAY ahead of their time.
I just think it might be something I would appreciate now that I know I would not have then.

I really like James Rivera's work with Seven Witches, enough where given all the other bands HELSTAR are compared to, they would be worth checking out in my opinion.
Yeah, I would have to agree with you fellas.
Seems like something I will most likely score in a trade soon enough as I would guess many folks who get it will part with it.

I recently got the live FATES WARNING - STILL LIFE 2CD set off eBay for less than $2!

Anyhow, this live performance solidified that POINT OF VIEW might be the greatest Adler fronted FW tune...
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I had it many years ago, but then got rid of it.

Disc 1 being solely Pleasant Shade of Grey was not a good way to get into the Adler era of the band. I still do not care for that too much.
Disc 2 of this though is great.

Yeah, PSoG is not the place to start and even after getting it later on, I can see people not liking it. It takes a lot of commitment from the listener.
wow, are you hearing this album for the first time??
Better late than never.
This to me is where it all came together for IE.

I've had Alive in Athens for a long time which has a good portion of the album tracks on it... But it is nice to finally get my hands on the studio album. Really awesome.

My first Iced Earth album was The Dark Saga; and I still love it. It and The Glorious Burden are where I started.
Glorious Burden was where I started too. It actually took me a while to get into the earlier stuff as at first I wasn't a big fan of Barlow's voice.
You actually like Ripper's vocals more than Barlow's????????
Ripper did a fine job in IE, but come on man........

That's not what I said. I said INITIALLY I had trouble liking Barlow's voice. Eventually, through time though I think Barlow is the better vocalist for Iced Earth. It just took me a while to get into his style. I still do love Glorious Burden though as it is one of my favorite IE albums.