New clip, 6505+ Double 57 mic action. Bogner Uber as well.


Studio Awesome!
Nov 27, 2009
Been playing around with dialing in the 6505+ with 2 sm57's for some "crushing" tone ha.

Unfortunately I have to record in a Closet *sigh* (untreated as of now) so there are some weird low end frequencies bouncing back into the mic (at least that's what I think?). You can hear it towards the end of the second solo.

There is no bass, just quad tracked guitars/drums. Rythms are with the 6505+ solos with Bogner Uber.

Any tips/ideas on how to take it to the next level recording wise? (I have a tube screamer, but it was a lil' over kill with both mics, worked great with just one though!).

Jam it up, and hit me back! Appreciate it! Rock :headbang:
Really cool so far! Love your playing. Cool toonage. A tighter low end for the blasts would help. And a bass. ;)
Sorry to have to say that but the closet doesn't sound too good. Some bigger ambience added could help that to some extent. A little LP and some further defizzing on the guitars would make them even cooler.
Please tell me about the used guitar(s) and pickups.

Ah sweet thanks for the input!

As far as gear used. Guitar used was an Ibanez Prestige 7 string tuned a half step down. EMG pickups. Not sure on the gauge of strings used. Probably 10's.

I agree after listening to it again that there is some fizz that could be worked out to make it clearer. Might be to much Off axis mic in the mix.

I really need to get a bigger room to put the cab in. I have another room in the house (hell even a hallway I could use). That is bigger than the closet (thankfully right).

But as of now I'm stuck using the closet. Any ways to make the closet a better environment for recording, or should I just stop thinking that way all together?

Im trying lately to stay away from the Pod and use REAL AMPS! Shit I might even start trying to do REAL drums if I use my living room for tracking hahah :D:lol: