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i just noticed that this forum has the bigest fucking signatures ive ever goddamn seen
sinerchris said:
sounds cool. be nice if it was released on Century Media here in the U.S. Spinefarm are being real bitches lately. don't reply to e-mails, DON'T MAIL SHIT OUT, u know...the usual crap.
In the beginning of this year, they decided to stop selling records straight out. Their releases can now be ordered only through various other online stores.

And about the EP, I knew already sometime ago and when it comes out, I'm gonna buy at least 3 of 'em. :loco: Just for the collection.
Some of you may remember one of my posts from a loooooong time ago, we were talking aobut punk rock and Children OF Bodom covers and whatnot. I states that id bet anyone $100 that COB would do another old school punk rock cover, probably the sex pistols.
Anyway, read this and weep

"as well as possibly two cover songs, one of which is said to have been originally written and recorded by a "very famous and legendary punk band."

what band do you think it will be. I say its the Sex pistols.
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