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bobvex said:
yeah i know, but take a listen to my band, and how much punk rock music has evolved over the years, all the different sub genres that popped up, Straght edge (minor THreat), Hardcore (agnostic front), Oi! (Cocksparrer, dropkick Murphy's), skinhead (racist and SHARP's [Skin Heads Against Racial Prejudice]) (screwdriver, Anti Heroes), east coast (the Krays), west coast (youth brigade, Rancid), glamour punk (the Casualties), Street (the Forgotten), and any others i missed. you will see how its become more focused, and not always about fucking shit up, and being an ass, or doing what you want. Now they have a stance on certain issues, most of which are "cant we all just get along." My band started out with that stupid "we can change the world" idea, but we decided we didn't want to, and we just wanted to have fun and live life, so our music changed, and got better becasue of it. We weren't whining about social structure anymore. we got songs now called "friday Nights", "Some more Noise", "City Lights", "Back from the grave" (after our 9 month Hiatus), "out with the new and in with the old", and what not

but they are becoming more professional.

Needled, do you have maybe 3 MB of webspace i can borrow for maybe 2 weeks or a month? just to get this song out to people, just last night i sent it to MagSec, and hes not one for punk rock, but he liked it. i wanna know what a few people in the Metal scene think too.

Great, I want to hear it too! I'm a punk fan. And...

dilema1362 said:
I dont know if id go so far as to call the casualties "glam punk" but i am glad to see that you didnt add hypocrite suckbags The Unseen to that list of yours

and id like to hear your song, i happen to be a fan of punk

What's up with The Unseen? I like some songs I have of them... have they become sell-outs or what? Nice signature, by the way :worship:

And at last but not least... I would like to hear some Misfits songs covered by Bodom. Cradle Of Filth covered Death Comes Ripping, and I like that cover a lot... what about covering All Hell Breaks Loose? or Maybe Teenagers From Mars, Astro-Zombies or... ALL OF THEM!!! HAIL THE MISFITS!
Well, if anyone wants to hear it, maybe i can get Needled to lend me some webspace so that he can upload it for me, cuz, i dont know shit about making a site. either that or i could send it over MSN, or AIM, that works too. So, send me yoru MSN/AIM names.

umm, yeah,. . . .ummm. . .PUNX UNITE!!!!! :lol:
Thanks, i may be metal through and through, but i will always hold a special place for good punk.
as for the unseen, they happen to be from a town not to far from myself. they were raised in an upitty, rich, predominately white town where they had everything handed to them their whole lives, and then they have the gall to stand up, wear ripped clothes they bought with their parents credit card, and complain about politics and the like. If a band is going to go political and complain about that sort of thing, id like to know that they actually lived it first hand, not having these ideas fed to them from their "cool punkrocker" friends.....that and they are all a bunch of asshole snobs (they happen to maintain that part though???) and the misfits......great band. Id like to hear some "braineaters" "skulls" maybe some "hate breeders"....a bit fitting a think.
dilema1362 said:
Thanks, i may be metal through and through, but i will always hold a special place for good punk.
as for the unseen, they happen to be from a town not to far from myself. they were raised in an upitty, rich, predominately white town where they had everything handed to them their whole lives, and then they have the gall to stand up, wear ripped clothes they bought with their parents credit card, and complain about politics and the like. If a band is going to go political and complain about that sort of thing, id like to know that they actually lived it first hand, not having these ideas fed to them from their "cool punkrocker" friends.....that and they are all a bunch of asshole snobs (they happen to maintain that part though???) and the misfits......great band. Id like to hear some "braineaters" "skulls" maybe some "hate breeders"....a bit fitting a think.
Do you like Blood For Blood??
ahh...blood for blood....the only band ive ever known to be banned from boston. not a huge fan, but i also dont dislike them (sorry for the double negative)
what di d they get bannd from boston for?

@ delt - By "glam punk i mean this

These are the guys you see on the postcards and what not. I've heard they even take pictures with tourists for pocket money.
they started a HUUUUGE fuckin riot at one of their shows a few years back and were only recently allowed back. kinda funny though
ive kinda dropped out of the punk rock scene myself, but im still open to new music. i mean, i like rancid still, and blood for blood, and Oxymoron. and then the more mellow, classic rock style punk rock, like The U.S. Bombs
i dont like converge and i hate their skateboard-toting-backwards-yankees-cap-wearing fans even more so. they suck to be at a show with. little fuckers.
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