New Cryptopsy....


Nov 18, 2009
They have a preview video thing up. and HOLY SHIT! How fucking good does this sound?!? Seems like they're back into what made them awesome... If this sounds more like Whisper Supremacy/..And Then You'll Beg, I'll be one happy camper!! Because man, their last two records BLEW....

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sounds nice, despite all the hate, my favorite album is still whisper supremacy, interested
in the guitar chain, there's a Axe-Fx in the video ;)
Sounds promising. I wonder why they never gave Martin Lacroix another shot since the live album. Anywho, new guy is way better than Lord Mouth Full of NomNomNomNom Worms. God, I hated him. A lot. Like, times infinity.
Anywho, new guy is way better than Lord Mouth Full of NomNomNomNom Worms. God, I hated him. A lot. Like, times infinity.


The new dude is a generic, weak, cotton-mouthed abomination. The equivalent of the -core one note, half-time breakdown.
Are you actually going to remember any of his vocal lines or lyrics? Probably not.
Lord Worm is the epitome of old-school individualism, and encapsulates pretty much everything that is missing from newer death metal.

The new dude is a generic, weak, cotton-mouthed abomination.
Are you actually going to remember any of his vocal lines or lyrics? Probably not.
Lord Worm is the epitome of old-school individualism, and encapsulates pretty much everything that is missing from newer death metal.

Cotton-mouthed abomination? Lord Worm, right? I could just never get into Lord Worm. Maybe its because I first got into Crystopsy with "Whisper Supremacy" back when I first heard it in '00. Then I picked up "And Then You'll Beg" and "None So Vile" afterward at the same time. Maybe after hearing Mike DiSalvo I just couldn't get into Lord Worm. I had hope with "Once Was Not" but the material on that album felt a bit unfocused. And again, I couldn't get into anything he was doing. Also, when I saw them in live in '05 he wasn't too impressive either. So, maybe just chalk it up to he's not what I'm into.
I can understand not liking him on OWN and live, because the dudes voice has been shot for a long time, but his vocals on Blasphemy Made Flesh are great and his performance on NSV is unmatched imo.
As were his lyrics (see Slit Your Guts).

Especially compared to the new guy, who seems unable to vocalise in anything other than in monotone, and needs Chris Donaldson to make him sound powerful.
I can understand not liking him on OWN and live, because the dudes voice has been shot for a long time, but his vocals on Blasphemy Made Flesh are great and his performance on NSV is unmatched imo.
As were his lyrics (see Slit Your Guts).

Especially compared to the new guy, who seems unable to vocalise in anything other than in monotone, and needs Chris Donaldson to make him sound powerful.

I guess I should have added that I never go into the lyrical content of their albums. I would read them and try to match it with the music, but honestly I think I concentrated more on the listening end than to trying to relate lyric wise. So, that too, maybe we why I don't have a stronger tie.
I can understand not liking him on OWN and live, because the dudes voice has been shot for a long time, but his vocals on Blasphemy Made Flesh are great and his performance on NSV is unmatched imo.
As were his lyrics (see Slit Your Guts).

Agreed. Old Lord Worm = badassery in a big way.
Now Lord Worm = ........ew.........

I was floored the first time I heard Whisper Supremacy when it came out. I'm just happy they've moved away from whatever the shit it was that they were doing...
I am actually not the biggest fan of Lord Worm vocal wise, more into DiSalvo and the live album
with Martin Lacroix but Lord Worm was pretty original, saw them live with him 2006 in Denmark
and it was pretty great, had a little chat with him, really nice guy (thought he would be taller :D )
The new guy sounds to generic for me, but I am able to focus on the rest of the music pretty
well when listening to Cryptopsy.
As long as they aren't shit deathcore anymore. The vocalist sounds pretty good in that video unlike the god awful screaming shit from before. That guys guitar playing is fucking sick though so even if the vocalist was crap id still enjoy it somewhat.