New Cyhra Album 2018-2019

Yea I get that. Been following their updates and all. Just seems familiar territory again is all I’m saying.
We really don't know why he's out.

First time, the official statement said that it was due to family issues. We have no reason to not believe that. Then he coukd have had some personal troubles during that time. Now... We'll see when the time comes.
We really don't know why he's out.

First time, the official statement said that it was due to family issues. We have no reason to not believe that. Then he coukd have had some personal troubles during that time. Now... We'll see when the time comes.

Yea. I don’t want him to leave of course. I want him to continue to utilize the gift he has been given and overcome his habits that effect his ability to do so. Of course family is understandable and should never come second.

The new album will definitely be heavier.

Great find, man. I love how Euge is so casual with his comments.

*plays an amazing riff* And, that’s harmonized... as usual... since we have two guitar players”

“Yeah... and there’s quite a lot of nice soloing and stuff going on”

Solid teaser.
Listening to those riffs makes me feel really hyped for this album. I think it's going to be killer.
Just drop a single already.

Have great hopes for this one.
Euge has some cool looking (and sounding) guitar. Can't go wrong with black&white eclipse.

Riffs sound quite ASOP-ish. Nothing really spectacular but we'll see how it works with harmonies and melodies.

It would be cool if they did a song with guest growler. To spice things up a bit.
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A guest growler would be much appreciated, although I'm not expecting it. In a way it's a shame Anders and Jesper aren't on better terms, as Anders guesting some of his most recent screams alongside Cyhra's old school IF sounding riffs might produce the closest we will ever get to another Come Clarity/ASOP era track.
Anders: Can I sing in the chorus too?

Jesper: No. You can't polish the turd. We have Jake to do that.

Anders: :cry: forget it then.
Yes, drop Jesper then pull in Niclas and Anders. If Anders doesn’t sing at least have him produce the album.

Edit: sarcasm
Great song and it's really cool that it can actually be performed live with vocals sounding very close to the album. I can only imagine how badly Anders would/will butcher Stay With Me in a live environment.
Cyhra are special guests for Kamelot in Norway, which is pretty cool. I lost interest in Kamelot after The Black Halo but their stuff up until that point was always really good. Unfortunately they did a bit of an In Flames and started ignoring their older albums at shows, but unlike In Flames the fans actually called their bullshit on this. At one of the gigs I went to people started chanting "Fourth Legacy" (their 2000 album) causing the singer to get visibly pissed off :D good times. Fourth Legacy is a great album so they deserve shit for not playing anything off it.

Solid :cool:
Euge talking about the new album. Working with their “partners” to release the album. “These things sometimes take time if you do them properly, as we tend to do.”

Some crazy shredding in here. Euge is on fire.

I'm going to be so disappointed if this album is anything other than amazing :D
Dude.... where the frick is this new album? Almost another 2 months have passed with no news. They are doing shows, so they aren’t dead, but where’s the album?
They're still doing shows so I guess it's just distribution issues? Although from their setlists they aren't playing any new material live..