New Cyhra Album 2018-2019

"Quite a small part" is not remotely the same as "barely". It's the difference between 1/3 of an issue and 0.1/3 - but with English not being your native language maybe I'm being too harsh.

What's weird to me is how angry you get over this whole situation. It's impossible for you to have any kind of sensible debate, you have to get furious, throw around insults, use big, bold letters and underline, and just generally act like a total spoon. It's not good for you bro. To quote a wise man - check yourself before you wreck yourself.
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It's not a fact, but that is the most likely scenario. Until someone brings up some stuff that may prove it otherwise, we have no reason to think that he wasn't forced to leave. I
No. That's not how it works. It's like saying that you have to prove that god doesn't exist.

The fact is that what they said all of those years is that he left. So it is up to you to prove that he was expelled. That's how things work in real life.
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No. That's not how it works. It's like saying that you have to prove that god doesn't exist.

The fact is that what they said all of those years is that he left. So it is up to you to prove that he was expelled. That's how things work in real life.
How about we reach the point where we don't compare the existence of a mythical creature to this situation? Spiritual things are completely different animals.

Yes, you were riding on the uncertainty of whether Jesper was kicked or if he left. I narrowed it down to two possibilities:
1. He was essentially kicked (not necessary in a "you are fired bye" conversation), because of his alcohol issues, and for everything else it indirectly caused.
2. He left himself because of his alcohol issues, and for everything else it indirectly caused.

EIther way, he had to leave because of his alcohol issues, and not because of musical differences.

Here's an example: you and I are married for 10 years now. You don't like the ampunt of time I spend on internet boards and you don't like my taste in animes. But there's this other issue: I'm an alcoholic, and it gets worse and worse. It reaches the point where both of our lives are fucking miserable, because you don't know when you come home if you will find me in my own piss, or I will wait for you with dinner. It gets to the point where 8 out of 10 days I'm bathing in my own piss. You say enough is enough, it's time to get separated.

You may later talk about how you hated the amount of time I spent on the internet, or that you didn't like my taste in animes, but it was not the reason we got separated. Same thing with Jesper talking about musical indifferences. It's absolutely not hard to imagine it existed. The band admitted that Clayman was recorded in a very tense environment, because they (and who knows if they = all of the band, or most of the band but not Jesper) already wanted to switch producers. (please don't make me search for that fucking interview..........)

The reason he left or was kicked was because of his alcoholism.

"Quite a small part" is not remotely the same as "barely". It's the difference between 1/3 of an issue and 0.1/3 - but with English not being your native language maybe I'm being too harsh.

What's weird to me is how angry you get over this whole situation. It's impossible for you to have any kind of sensible debate, you have to get furious, throw around insults, use big, bold letters and underline, and just generally act like a total spoon. It's not good for you bro. To quote a wise man - check yourself before you wreck yourself. - used for emphasis - by the smallest amount:

Okay, let's count, with 10/10 being the sole and only reason, and 0/10 being not even related at all.

So barely means by the smallest amount so 1/10 or 2/10 tops.

Small amount means at the very least less then 50%, as if it was 50%, it could not be smaller than the rest of the reasons. So let's put small amount the closest number on X/10 scale that is lower than 5/10, which is 4/10.

Now, quite is used for emphasis, ergo it's strengthening what you just said. Ie. quite stupid could be translated in more simple terms to very stupid. Now, very stupid is more serious, than stupid.

So let's bring down that 4/10 to 3/10.

Okay, let's look at the best scenario for you, which is barely being 1/10 and quite small being 3/10. Is there a difference unless you are a math-nazi? Both imply that there were greater or much greater issues. Which is a very interesting notion, given how:
- he couldn't tour, because he was drunk
- Anders saying he had to leave because of his alcoholism
- Resistance guy talking about his shitty experience with Jesper and his drunk side - even if he still loves him, cuz Jesper is a cool fella when he is sober
Not going to read all that as I already said I was being too harsh, you obviously forgot to read that part or just ignored it because you're a dunce. Most amusing part:

Jester Slave: I think I'm done with this.

Jester Slave: -within a couple of hours, writes even more about this-

Step back, bro. Take a herbal bath. Or maybe just smoke some herbs. You're way too intense in trying to prove Jesper's evil nature.
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Aww, when the cambridge dictionary proves you wrong, you opt out. Damn. I was really waiting for your englightening speech about why it is a bad source for English.
I don't give a shit about that, who would? It's more that you're repeating the same things over and over again. I don't think I've ever seen anybody so desperate to try and discredit a former member of In Flames :D What did Jesper do to you? Seriously, this can't just be a random grudge. There's something strange going on here.
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You are seeing personal issues into something which has none. I have no problem with Jespert on a personal level, and I am sad I can't see him live performing with IF.

Sure, I find his erratic behavior repelling, but I am also aware that he is struggling with many issues, one of them being a mental disorder - and even alcohol fucks up your brain, so if depression would not be enough, there's that as well. I don't like it when he is doing these things, and I am calling him out on it here, but that's it. What's the English expression? I'm saying it as it is? I'm naming it as.... ? Something like that.

As for the debate, I am simply trying to dissolve this false narrative, but the reaction is always "OH BECAUSE YOU WANT YOUR TRUTH, RIGHT???" for the millionth time. No. I do like to brainstorm about what could have been and even discuss those theories, but I am not adamant on forcing them into being the truth. But there is a very compelling evidence that Jesper's departure is only thanks to himself and his alcohol problems. That's it.

I just don't like it when you glorify his behavior - and no, I emphasize again : I am not angry at him. I am aware, that it is a disorder. But it's still not an excuse to why you are trying to whitewash him.
How about we reach the point where we don't compare the existence of a mythical creature to this situation? Spiritual things are completely different animals.

We're also talking about a mythical situation :p

Yes, you were riding on the uncertainty of whether Jesper was kicked or if he left. I narrowed it down to two possibilities:
1. He was essentially kicked (not necessary in a "you are fired bye" conversation), because of his alcohol issues, and for everything else it indirectly caused.
2. He left himself because of his alcohol issues, and for everything else it indirectly caused.

There's one certainty. He's not anymore on the band. Probably due to his alcoholism. This I agree.

There's several statements from both parts saying that he was the one leavinh the band.

Saying that he was expelled is a conclusion, not a fact. So you need to prove that your conclusion is right. Not the other way.
I have no problem with Jespert on a personal level

Not convinced, you can't even bring yourself to spell his name properly.

Also please provide evidence of me or anybody else in this thread whitewashing or glorifying his behaviour :D I need a laugh. And before you go searching for quotes, quoting him as saying musical direction played a part in his quitting the band doesn't count as whitewashing or glorification.
We're also talking about a mythical situation :p

There's one certainty. He's not anymore on the band. Probably due to his alcoholism. This I agree.

There's several statements from both parts saying that he was the one leavinh the band.

Saying that he was expelled is a conclusion, not a fact. So you need to prove that your conclusion is right. Not the other way.
Again, mutual agreements are rarely mutual. It is bad PR for both parties if it'S announced as a firing - talking about music bands, obviously employers do this for other reasons. Also, how would you define it if he was told that this will not work, and the best would be for everyone if he left, and then he agreed and left?

Did he left then, or was he essentially kicked out?
Not convinced, you can't even bring yourself to spell his name properly.

Also please provide evidence of me or anybody else in this thread whitewashing or glorifying his behaviour :D I need a laugh. And before you go searching for quotes, quoting him as saying musical direction played a part in his quitting the band doesn't count as whitewashing or glorification.
t ir [<---- there, I made another typo; I usually try to edit these, but just for you, I leave it in] next to r on my keyboard, and I was also rushing, since I had to pack up my stuff fast, because my colleague drove me home.

You are whitewashing him, because you are downplaying his role in his departure. Sure, you admit to it for a half sentence that he was most likely problematic to work with, then go on with a conversation about how he must've been frustrated with IF's new direction, and Anders being this and that. It's like "yeah I slapped you, but..."

You seem to gravitate towards a narrative, where Jesper willingly left a sinking ship. But that's a quite small reason for me saying you are whitewashing him.

The absolute worst is how you either defend, or ignore his antagonistic behavior towards Anders, and to a smaller extent In Flames. Put your hand on your heart, and say that you would behave the same if Anders made similar remarks. You can't, because if Anders posted shit on facebook like "lmao Jesper, Björn had to do 80% of the stuff for CC, because you missed half the recording sessions, and even when you were there, you could barely play a single riff", then you would explode - and rightfully so.

But when Jesper does it, you think it's funny and ethical behavior. You may even think "wow, he got 'em!!"

It's Cyhra's second album!!! Jesper seems to be in a stable mood, and he's not being kicked out or anything. His life may be turning for the better. Hurray, let's hear what he has to say!! "We've never been friends with Anders" - yeah, fuck you mate. Don't you see how sad and petty it is? Apparently not.

And no, just because I'm criticizing or even angry at someone, it doesn't mean I hate him.
And you know this happened bevause you were there...
Dude, you make me want to hang myself. I am proposing you a scenario, and your first reaction is that I wasn't there. It's nigh impossible to talk with you sometimes. If I ask what do you think about that, then why are you bombarding me with whether I was here or not?
It did not sound as a proposition. More like an affirmation. Anyway, it's just speculation and it is leading us nowhere.

The only thing that we know for sure is this: after Jesper left the band they should have disbanded or changed their name.
You are whitewashing him, because you are downplaying his role in his departure. Sure, you admit to it for a half sentence that he was most likely problematic to work with, then go on with a conversation about how he must've been frustrated with IF's new direction, and Anders being this and that. It's like "yeah I slapped you, but..."

The quote was from Jesper, not me. If you choose not to believe him then that's fine, but I think it's plausible that he didn't want to go in the SOAPF/SC/Battles direction, especially considering his general tastes. If he knew the band was going to keep dialing down the metal then it makes sense for him to move on, doesn't it?

The absolute worst is how you either defend, or ignore his antagonistic behavior towards Anders, and to a smaller extent In Flames.

My quotes on the subject from this thread:

"Yeah, Jesper has been a dick tbh :D also contracting himself with the new albums, one minute saying it's great and promoting it, the next ripping on Anders' vocals and the musical direction of the band. Granted he hasn't done that in a while but he should really leave personal comments off social media. Just use it to promote Cyhra."

"For once Slave is pretty much correct.

Hakemo did come out later and say that he regretted his comments and he was bitter at the time, but yeah, it's obvious that Jesper's demons made it impossible to work with him during that time."

"seems like Jesper was at his worst during 09/10, or maybe they acted like they were best buds for the documentary so it didn't turn into a total shitshow :D I dunno. It is weird though."

"Yeah [Jesper's behaviour] was clearly an issue, no denying that, but Jesper's overall "checking out" of the band was clearly more than just alcohol addiction. His heart obviously wasn't in it any more, and the thought of touring and having to play a bunch of songs for a band whose musical direction he no longer agreed with probably exacerbated his issues significantly. It's no excuse for the way he acted, but still."

So yeah, you're pretty much totally wrong. I'd say I've been pretty fair with my comments with Jesper and I've said hardly anything about Anders save for one jokey quip about hitting the bottle if I'd had to listen to his singing for ten years. Obviously said in jest.

Put your hand on your heart, and say that you would behave the same if Anders made similar remarks. You can't, because if Anders posted shit on facebook like "lmao Jesper, Björn had to do 80% of the stuff for CC, because you missed half the recording sessions, and even when you were there, you could barely play a single riff", then you would explode - and rightfully so.

I might make a snarky post about it, but no way I'd go as crazy as you are here. It's just not worth the effort. I criticise Anders for his lyrics and vocals, mainly, not his personal relations. I don't really care about that side of things.

But when Jesper does it, you think it's funny and ethical behavior. You may even think "wow, he got 'em!!"

No evidence of this from me as far as I can tell. Maybe you're thinking of somebody else.
The band admitted that Clayman was recorded in a very tense environment, because they (and who knows if they = all of the band, or most of the band but not Jesper) already wanted to switch producers. (please don't make me search for that fucking interview..........)
Interesting. So you’re saying that actually it was Jesper that made them leave Nordstrom and started the band’s never ending quest for a new sound? That’s really interesting. Maybe Jesper couldn’t handle the pressure since he was in alcoholic mode and even though Nordstrom was amazing in making them productive finally Jesper has enough. So ultimately Jesper himself made the band and killed it within 5-7 years.
Nordstrom's actual quotes from the interview in question are below:

I also did a similar thing with In Flames’ Clayman. The band had been in the studio nights, writing songs and drinking beers. (Laughs) When they came with the songs, we had to sit down and break everything apart again. “Look here, this is the highlight of the song – this is the chorus.” Sometimes there is no problem, but sometimes there are big egos.

I know that In Flames wanted to change styles much, much earlier than they actually did. Around the third album, they wanted to stop using the melodic guitar harmonies. I was the guy saying, “no, no, we have to keep the melodies. We have to do the harmonies.” “No! We are so bored of harmonies!” (Nordström now takes an authoritarian tone) “You have a responsibility to your fans! And they are expecting this stuff.” But they toured their asses off and have had very good success; and of course they should have it. But I wish they had stayed in the same lane, and that may have given them much more success.

American bands like Shadows Fall copied In Flames, and now In Flames is copying those American bands. So the leader became a follower.

Some more quotes from this thread

MP: These last questions are directed for you personally. You've worked with In Flames in the past. What's your opinion on their musical direction over the last two albums?

Fredrik: I haven't heard the whole of the albums, I should say for a start. I heard some songs on the radio. I honestly think they should stay more in their own direction, because they were like the leader of the pack. Now they have switched over to the more American nu-metal style and they are like the followers. There are bands in America who are growing big because of the style of In Flames because they were following that from the beginning. So in one way I think its bad but in the same way I think they were quite bored of doing that stuff. So maybe they had to find a new way to develop themselves. Absolutely, they've reached some success with that. On the "Clayman" album there were not agreements but that turned out to be quite a good album. For In Flames, maybe it was a good move. Maybe, I don't know, I can't say... What made Iron Maiden so big actually is they almost always stayed in the same plain. What made McDonalds good? I hate McDonalds personally...

MP: Would you ever like to work with them again?

Fredrik: Yes, but maybe during different circumstances. There was some bird whispering in my ear some days ago... But I had Anders in too much studio work, everything gets so messy, he was in the band, and also part of the studio. It was like "if I take you to the studio, it means I'm going to lose In Flames". I don't know what's going to happen in the future. I know they're searching for a new producer and my personal opinion is they're doing right. It's just my taste, but they need to change the snare sound (makes dodgy snare sound) it's like playing in reggae music. That's my opinion, I suppose. I told them what I think to one of the guitar players. Bjorn's actually working on a new project now with a female singer, very good singer. It's going to turn out to be like, not Evanescence, but in the same...You get the smell of In Flames but with very good female vocals. It could turn out to be good.
Oh, and also a quote from Peter regarding Jesper:

We have good relationships, we're good friends. When he does things like this, the problem I think is that 15 years ago when you didn't have all the social media, so you just said something out when you were feeling frustrated or angry, but these days you write on social media and somebody picks it up really fast and it becomes way bigger than what it is. He is a constant supporter of In Flames. Sometimes he says bad stuff online, but he doesn't really mean it. It's just exactly like I said, you get angry for five minutes and then you wish you wouldn't have said it, but then the whole world has read it. It's been picked up by Blabbermouth or something like that. He's a big In Flames supporter. He likes what we do and obviously he has his issues with whatever he writes a line, but at the same time we are good friends and there's no hard feelings whatsoever.

Looks like the band aren't anywhere near as bothered by these comments as Slave is.