New Cyhra Album 2018-2019

Oh, and also a quote from Peter regarding Jesper:

Looks like the band aren't anywhere near as bothered by these comments as Slave is.
I'm glad you are quoting me something I have already quoted.

I'm also glad of your flawless assumption that if someone is not being bothered by abuse, then it should not even be bothered with. You are like the stereotypical anon commenter on cases like domestic abuse or rape. "Yeah, but why did she stay? I don't buy it. I bet she even liked that!"
I'm glad you are quoting me something I have already quoted.

I'm also glad of your flawless assumption that if someone is not being bothered by abuse, then it should not even be bothered with. You are like the stereotypical anon commenter on cases like domestic abuse or rape. "Yeah, but why did she stay? I don't buy it. I bet she even liked that!"

The fact you're equating a few tetchy facebook posts with domestic abuse and rape just shows how utterly fucked up your perception of things really is.
The fact you're equating a few tetchy facebook posts with domestic abuse and rape just shows how utterly fucked up your perception of things really is.
No, I'm talking about his drinking problems while he was in the band.

But if you solely want to focus on his FB posts, then it's obvious Peter covered for both sides, hence why I wrote he is like a best buddy. What Peter said is absolute bs, but it's how to exhaust a PR fire, while also helping out his friend not to look stupid.

At least you posted some old interviews, so after numerous pages, you actually contributed with something which is not blatant trolling and ignorance. I wonder how the frontman transition happened between Jesper and Anders, It was quite rare to see a full interview with him about IF.
No, I'm talking about his drinking problems while he was in the band.

Well, you know nothing about the effect Jesper's drinking had on other people other than that it made him unreliable and sometimes difficult to deal with. You talk like you were right there having to pull Anders and Jesper apart before they came to blows. I'd take the view of one of Jesper's actual friends over a hysterical twat like you any day.
Well, you know nothing about the effect Jesper's drinking had on other people other than that it made him unreliable and sometimes difficult to deal with. You talk like you were right there having to pull Anders and Jesper apart before they came to blows. I'd take the view of one of Jesper's actual friends over a hysterical twat like you any day.
Yeah, sometimes I have fever dreams that his drinking problems reached such extents that he had to leave the very band he formed. Then i wake up, and realize... that it's exactly what happened. Then it happened again with another band.

Man, if your mindless cocksucking of Jesper is what keeps him from ending it all, then keep doing it. At least your ignorance is for a good cause then.
You're changing direction again. I've already highlighted my comments on Jesper, so if you see me calling Jesper a dick for his behaviour and saying he had no excuse for the way he acted as "mindless cocksucking" then that probably says more about your perspective than mine.

The fact is you keep pushing this narrative that the band members hate Jesper and expelled him from the band, but there is no verifiable evidence to support this. Every interview I've ever seen from Anders, Bjorn, Peter or Daniel has stated that the band are still friends with Jesper and they're hoping for the best for him. Obviously you'll immediately all this "PR" or come up with some other reason as to why they're saying it, but ultimately that's all in your head. The most likely explanation is that the band do like Jesper and consider him a friend, even if he frustrates them sometimes with his outbursts. They were probably more concerned than anybody about his alcoholism and wanted him to get better, even if that meant he had to leave In Flames. That's what friends do - give support even if the person is making things difficult for them.

The way you talk about this subject is like Jesper personally did something to offend you. It's not normal behaviour.
The fact is you keep pushing this narrative that the band members hate Jesper and expelled him from the band
When did I say that they hate him? I had one point, that he had to leave because of his alcoholism, and not because of musical differences.

And yes, I can't imagine him and Anders being on great terms. Even before his Facebook shenanigans Anders either said he's not in touch with Jesper they way it would be ideal (ie. talking more frequently), or flat out saying that they have not been speaking for a long while now. There is one interview from 2011 where he said they've talked recently.

As for Jesper... yeah, we know that. I don't think he hates him in the traditional sense of the word. Jesper fucked up with IF, he knows that. Even if he were to leave eventually on his own (without any incidents shoving him that way), it was not in the terms he would be happy about it. And the biggest voice in IF has been Anders. Not sure when did the transition start, but by that time Anders was the frontman of the band. We have a saying, which rawly translates to "two musicians can't stay in the same club". Even if you look at other disputes (Staic-X and Mudvayne comes to mind), it's always between one band member and the frontman.

I guess I have to say that Anders is an easier place to not talk shit about Jesper, because other than the bump period between ASOP and SOAPF, which must've been really stressful, he stayed on the same path as before. He didn't really lose anything, so even if he is pissed off on comments like him being a shit singer, he has a much easier time to just move on.
Uhm. I remember Jesper playing some shows before leaving the band.

Here's Jesper playing TCP live back in 2008

I was wrong. Jesper wasn't replaced three days before the start of the tour itself, but three days before the start of one of the tour's legs.

I don't know which leg Björn was talking about. The ASOP tour ran from Apr 2008 to Jan 2010 with some breaks in between.

EDIT: I didn't read the Wikipedia article very carefully. :p

It says that "In February 2009, it was confirmed that lead guitarist Jesper Strömblad would be taking leave from future touring, due to his focus on alcohol rehabilitation.[3] He was replaced with former member Niklas Engelin. Later in the month, an upcoming spring tour of the U.K. and Ireland was cancelled after it was announced that a second member, bassist Peter Iwers, would be taking leave due to the anticipated birth of his child.[4] The band, minus Strömblad, fulfilled all touring commitments up to early April and resumed performing in the summer."
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Yeah, I was there when he did his last performance with IF ever too. Late 2009, he came back and did I think 1 or 2 songs, I remember at least Take This Life, they did it with 3 guitarists, and Jesper had some funny T-Shirt poking fun at rehab or something. I remember people thought he was gonna come back now but he obviously didn't.
When did I say that they hate him? I had one point, that he had to leave because of his alcoholism, and not because of musical differences.

And yes, I can't imagine him and Anders being on great terms. Even before his Facebook shenanigans Anders either said he's not in touch with Jesper they way it would be ideal (ie. talking more frequently), or flat out saying that they have not been speaking for a long while now. There is one interview from 2011 where he said they've talked recently.

As for Jesper... yeah, we know that. I don't think he hates him in the traditional sense of the word. Jesper fucked up with IF, he knows that. Even if he were to leave eventually on his own (without any incidents shoving him that way), it was not in the terms he would be happy about it. And the biggest voice in IF has been Anders. Not sure when did the transition start, but by that time Anders was the frontman of the band. We have a saying, which rawly translates to "two musicians can't stay in the same club". Even if you look at other disputes (Staic-X and Mudvayne comes to mind), it's always between one band member and the frontman.

I guess I have to say that Anders is an easier place to not talk shit about Jesper, because other than the bump period between ASOP and SOAPF, which must've been really stressful, he stayed on the same path as before. He didn't really lose anything, so even if he is pissed off on comments like him being a shit singer, he has a much easier time to just move on.

If you'd just said this from the start then it literally would have saved about three pages of arguments :D
I found out that two years ago there was a rather interesting interview with Jesper in the Swedish "Accentmagasin", where he talks about his alcoholism. I tried to translate/summarize the most relevant parts.

-The interview was done on 17.5.2016. Jesper had been sober for exactly 6 months then; the longest sobriety period so far in his adult life. He says life has begun to look brighter.

-In 2006 Jesper was sitting in a silent piano bar of a stylish Japanese hotel. He had ordered a beer. Opposite to him were sitting some men he didn't know, and Jesper started to feel like they were staring at him. His hands were trembling so much he could not put the glass to his lips. He left the bar, retreated to his hotel room and ordered three beers via room service. He says at this point he realized he's got a problem.

-Jesper had been touring "almost incessantly" from 2000 to the day in Japanese piano bar. He describes his time in the band and tours as "long years of partying". "It was a lot of fun at first. But it stopped being that way. Alcohol is such a poison. I understood the party was over for my part. I couldn't handle the next day without having the hair of the dog."

-He's suffered from generalized anxiety disorder, but it wasn't diagnosed until later on. By the time of the interview he was taking medicine for it. In the past he just used to turn to alcohol, which did the trick.

-Alcohol was in Jesper's life already before In Flames made its breakthrough. He says beer and pistachio nuts comprised a good portion of his diet when he was a teenager. But it wasn't a problem to him then or for several years to come. It only started being a problem when he got physical symptoms as his body wasn't agreeing any more.

-After the Japanese tour Jesper took a break and checked in to rehab. Niklas replaced him for the next tour. in 2008 Jesper hopped on again, in connection with the band releasing another album. What followed was some festival gigs, a long American tour and a just as long European tour. "Then I believed I could gain control. I knew the whole time that I was an alcoholic, but I didn't think it was such a serious problem that I couldn't tour again."

-At the same time his private life was tough. Jesper broke up while on the USA tour, and he both sold and bought an apartment in Gothenburg from a distance. When the tour took a 2 month break before the South American leg, Jesper arrived to an empty one-room apartment. "I just couldn't sit there. I went out and drank with my friends. But one week before the South American leg I tried to get my shit together." His body had started protesting again. When paying for his beers at the grocery store he was shivering so much he had to pretend he was freezing so that the cashier wouldn't react. Then and there he decided to stop drinking, and to do it cold turkey.

-He lied down for 3 days and felt pretty bad. Then he got a delirium, couldn't control his muscles and was disoriented. He ended up in a hospital. "After a few days I regained my appetite. Then the fight began. Now I'm gonna get sober. For fuck's sake! I don't want to be doing this." Very soon after exiting hospital he had the Serenity Prayer tattooed on his chest.

-"But unfortunately one is quick to forget. It's been a fight ever since."

Then Jesper talks about having gone open about his alcoholism and how some In Flames fans contacted him and told him they are also alcoholics and decided to quit drinking.

Concerning his exit from In Flames:

"In 2010 Jesper jumped out of In Flames. He was tired of the band, even though he later got an identity crisis. Who am I, if not the guitarist of In Flames?

'Music is everything to me. When I'm in studio I don't think about having anxiety. But I know that right know I cannot go on tour. I'm feeling too unwell and have too much anxiety.'

When In Flames went more and more from a gang of friends to business, Jesper lost the spark. Now music has become fun again. He's working from nine to five in a studio with other musicians, and has had the time to write several new songs. And he's holding on to sobriety.

'You find that you are more like your true self again. [<-- not sure if this sentence is correct.] First of all, you are playing so much better without alcohol. Everything gets so much better. Just such trivial thing as hotel breakfasts. Earlier, I just sipped some apple juice and then went to the bar. Now it has turned into a fantastic experience. You wake up and are sober. The things are in place.

Jesper Strömblad says he is unmoved by others drinking around him. He has accepted that he can not drink again because he knows he would get sick from it. But he does not want to be alieanted from the music industry and from his friends.

'It's what I hate. And that's what I'm trying to tell people. In the beginning when I was sober, I felt no one let me hear of themselves. I was not invited to anything, even when my friend had a garden party. I know it's pure goodwill, but I have to get a chance to say no.
There's alcohol everywhere, and it doesn't bother me anymore. That's what I want people to understand.'
Good thing I'm too poor for being able to feed myself pistachio every day.

We got a lot pistachio in Turkey, could send you if you want so you can be part of IF :p

Beside jokes, it was a sad thing to read it. I didnt have a problem with drinking but I knew someone like that, it ended pretty bad for him. Even though I still dont like Jesper's attitude for IF (specially Anders), I'm happy to see him better.
Yeah, wasn't it later the same year (2016) when he made those unnecessary "Anders's voice is a polished turd" and "I'm happy to have left the sinking ship" comments? But for what I've read, Cyhra and especially his friendship with Jake seems to be a stabilizing factor in his life, so hopefully the guy stays on the wagon and has been/will be able to let go of his bitterness towards IF.
Well, the easiest way to get over his bitterness is success. But it's not an easy task to swoop the metal scene nowadays. Also, can you be successful without extensive touring nowadays?
Thanks for the translation Jabi. It's an interesting but harrowing read. Frankly it's amazing that he was able to function for as long as he did, especially with such an intense touring schedule. For his own health and wellbeing he needs to ensure he never gets trapped into such a heavy touring cycle again, as it'll only end one way.

Also, can you be successful without extensive touring nowadays?

Depends on your definition of success I suppose. Can you make loads of money and become a worldwide name without touring? In some industries yes but it'd be very difficult as a metal band. If you're measuring success by having a decent fanbase and good reviews of your work then yeah, sure.

Honestly I'm not sure the first type of success would be any good for Jesper anyway. At that point it always becomes more of a business/brand rather than a passion. It sounds like he struggles to deal with that side of things, so it's probably better that he doesn't end up back in that situation.
Thanks for taking the time to translate that Jabi. That’s worse than I thought. Basically Jesper was so dependent he was going through frequent withdrawals if he wasn’t continuously drinking. He was one step away from being the guy stealing and drinking mouthwash :(

It must be especially tough when his whole social scene and friends’ lives are based around alcohol. Don’t most of the current/former In Flames members own breweries and bars? I wouldn’t be surprised if they are all alcoholics but maybe not as bad as Jesper.
Well, the term alcoholism could spark an eternity long debate. I think officially even a regular few beers a week can be labeled as alcoholism, since regularity often means more than the amount you drink, in terms of addiction. Then again, a few months ago we had this discussion one night and... oh boy, there were some varying opinions.

The band definitely drinks, I mean Anders rehearses with whiskey, and they keep drinking beer during the shows. Look at their concerts around early and mid 2000s. Anders is absolutely pathetic during some performances; he has no idea where he is. They can't be worse than high-functioning alcoholics though, as it haven't impacted their work yet. I mean, one of the number 1 examples towards the public that you are pushing things too far is when you make an absolute ass of yourself during live shows, or you even have to cancel. One name: Axl Rose.

I would expect them to not drink around Jesper, though. I mean, you have to be a special kind of asshole to invite him to a reunion or a feast and get drunk around him. Now, being on a tour is different. I wouldn't hold back a few beers for months or years just because someone had an issue with it - as bad as it sounds. He would see drunk peopel all the time anyway, whether I drink or not.

Maybe Anders kept sending Jesper from their Gin, hence the bad blood? The plot thickens!!!