nursing my wounds
Hey y'all...just now recovering from the NJ Metalfest, aka the first date on this tour, and I have a few comments:
First off, I was lucky enough to meet and hang for quite a bit with all the guys from Amon, Nathan & John from Vehemence, and most of Behemoth. I can tell you that while they're not exactly overloaded with spending money for this tour, they have absolutely zero intentions of not seeing it to the end. They will most definitely be hitting the east coast venues at the end of the tour (L'Amours, Providence, Worcester, Canada), and everyone, quit worrying! The vibe is tremendous, the bands are ALL in high spirits, and I can assure you, they're VERY excited to get on the road.
Now, Nathan of Vehemence did tell me that he was fairly sure that a Florida date was added, but this is unconfirmed and even he couldn't be 100% certain for me. Sorry.
Also, some (not sure if all) of the opening acts have the authority to play shows WITHOUT Deicide or as part of the "tour" - for example, since there's still some multiple-day gaps, they can go add a show in Detroit, or something like that. No guarantees that it would happen, but they can do so, at least according to the bands. Part of the problem is that Deicide charges too much fucking money, and many promoters have passed on the tour, resulting in poor promotion, scattered dates, etc. Thanks for GoddessHecate for setting me straight on that. So perhaps some of you guys will get lucky and see a sans-Deicide show...
Lastly, AMON AMARTH FUCKING SLAYED last night!!!
Seriously, they were so goddamned good, I can't begin to describe it; they played for a little under an hour, perhaps about 50 minutes maybe. They played 7 or 8 songs (I think), though I don't have the actual setlist in front of me. I can tell you they opened with Death In Fire and closed with Victorious March, which was quite simply the greatest death metal song I've ever seen live. Period.
For those who are interested, there will be a complete show review, including interviews with God Dethroned, All That Remains, and Vehemence, as well as all the drunken debauchery of the entire 3 days of the fest, updated over the course of the next week on my webzine (click the banner in my sig). Or you can come pay us a visit at our forum here at, which is where we'll let fans know when the zine updates. Cheers and hail!
First off, I was lucky enough to meet and hang for quite a bit with all the guys from Amon, Nathan & John from Vehemence, and most of Behemoth. I can tell you that while they're not exactly overloaded with spending money for this tour, they have absolutely zero intentions of not seeing it to the end. They will most definitely be hitting the east coast venues at the end of the tour (L'Amours, Providence, Worcester, Canada), and everyone, quit worrying! The vibe is tremendous, the bands are ALL in high spirits, and I can assure you, they're VERY excited to get on the road.
Now, Nathan of Vehemence did tell me that he was fairly sure that a Florida date was added, but this is unconfirmed and even he couldn't be 100% certain for me. Sorry.
Also, some (not sure if all) of the opening acts have the authority to play shows WITHOUT Deicide or as part of the "tour" - for example, since there's still some multiple-day gaps, they can go add a show in Detroit, or something like that. No guarantees that it would happen, but they can do so, at least according to the bands. Part of the problem is that Deicide charges too much fucking money, and many promoters have passed on the tour, resulting in poor promotion, scattered dates, etc. Thanks for GoddessHecate for setting me straight on that. So perhaps some of you guys will get lucky and see a sans-Deicide show...
Lastly, AMON AMARTH FUCKING SLAYED last night!!!

Seriously, they were so goddamned good, I can't begin to describe it; they played for a little under an hour, perhaps about 50 minutes maybe. They played 7 or 8 songs (I think), though I don't have the actual setlist in front of me. I can tell you they opened with Death In Fire and closed with Victorious March, which was quite simply the greatest death metal song I've ever seen live. Period.
For those who are interested, there will be a complete show review, including interviews with God Dethroned, All That Remains, and Vehemence, as well as all the drunken debauchery of the entire 3 days of the fest, updated over the course of the next week on my webzine (click the banner in my sig). Or you can come pay us a visit at our forum here at, which is where we'll let fans know when the zine updates. Cheers and hail!