New Deicide

W00tage. I got a Haunted ltd edition, with "postcards" and "police tape". Which was about as much use as tits on a fish given my best mate was a Police officer at Skegness at the time: as many postcards and Police tape as I could handle.
Carcassian said:
W00tage. I got a Haunted ltd edition, with "postcards" and "police tape". Which was about as much use as tits on a fish given my best mate was a Police officer at Skegness at the time: as many postcards and Police tape as I could handle.

That'll teach you to buy a Haunted CD. :ill:
Poof?! Poof!!? That's Steamin' Steve Clark, Sheffield's finest ever guitarist. You gotta love that solo in "Armageddon It", or the riff to "Rocks Off".
RIP Steve.

And I can't talk, I was stupid enough to buy a Haunted cd once - didn't take long for it to find it's way onto eBay what a piece of crap.
Firstly, I like The Haunted. So there. Not a lot, but enough to keep the CDs. Which actually isn't saying much, since I never get rid of any of my CDs.

Secondly, Steve Clark from Def Leppard? Eh? Did they become less gay in my absence?

THirdly, I'm playing "DOn't Break The Oath" at full blast. I'm also singing along, Falsetto. I think that this may worry the neighbours.
Def Leppard became MORE gay in your absence, to the point I've given up on them.
But the stuff they did with Steve Clark is awesome, and the first two albums are as heavy as anything Priest were doing at that time. I'll always love the stuff they did until Steve died.
You don't dig "High N Dry"? Are you a Priest fan? Besides, how can anyone not love "Armageddon It" or "Pour Some Sugar On Me"???!!!
Poison have some cool songs too though, I like anything with a good groove and that.
I wouldn't say I'm an elitist by any stretch mate (given my lack of mp3's / p2p wankery/ knowledge of 400 copy Chilean death metal demos), but 'm afraid cock rock sheenery goes too far even for my mainstream metal abiding ass.
Stormwatch said:
Play "Bible Basher"!!! Everyone hates it, so it must be good! (For the record I like it).

Me too. I like their most reviled albums. I'm playing "once Upon The Cross" at obnoxious volume at the minute though.