New Doctor Who


Cutthroat Crusader
Sep 1, 2004
Did anyone catch this last night? What did you think?

I was impressed with David Tennant, although the "Chavtastic" Billy Piper is starting to annoy me.
Oh yeah I saw that trailer... dam it went on for ever! It has (as little brittan call him) "Not really The Prime Minister, just that man from buffy!"

Also Cybermen and K9! /cheer!
I'm liking the new Doctor Who so far :) can't wait for next week with Sarah Jane-Smith (LEGEND!) and K-9 :cool: bought a bunch of William Hartnell stuffs today actually, heheh...
dragonwarrior said:


And this week's Cybermen episode is gonna be killer! What a cliffhanger! The end of The Empty Child from last series was a bit "wooo!" but I'm dying to see how they get themselves out of this pickle! :Smokin:
DELETE = EXTERMINATE :) These bad guys need to get more than one word as thier catchphrase. And how excellent an actor was Trigger!?! - Totally stole the show for me :D Here's to next saturday!
Trigger from Only Fools & Horses?! GodDAMN I knew I recognised him from somewhere! Who'd have thunk it?