New Doctor Who

CRUSADER747 said:
Yes, i think this series is Better than the last!!
I also think David Tennant is probably the best Doctor Who so far :headbang:
Great Stuff :kickass:

He's certainly got the quirky intelligence and facial expressions down better then Christopher... although Billy Piper's annoying grimmace and general overconfidance are still making me wish he'd get a better companion.

However, the Devil told her she will die in a great battle... prehaps the series finally? I can only hope :heh:
Tonberry said:
Next week's villian is Peter Kay! All star Birtish casting :D

I thought I recognised him too :oops:

Miss Piper is leaving the show at the end of this series...please don't lynch me for spoilers :erk:
CRUSADER747 said:
Noooooooooo :ill:
Can we have another curvacious blond please :D

Don't worry yourself too much, she'll probabily be in Torchwood once or twice. And HOW MANY TIMES are they plugging Torchwood in the past few episodes of Doctor Who? Ok it was quite clever to show Queen Victoria setting it up to "hunt the doctor/steal alien technology/ or whatever" in that werewolf episode, but do we really need it rammed at us at every opertunity?

See waht I mean:
  • The word "Torchwood" first occurred in the 2005 Doctor Who episode Bad Wolf, during a deadly version of the game show, The Weakest Link. One of the answers was that the Great Cobalt Pyramid was built on the ruins of the famous Old Earth Torchwood Institute. (The fact that the covert "Torchwood Institute" was established on Earth in Tooth and Claw implies that by the time Bad Wolf occurs, the year 200,100, the existence of Torchwood has become common knowledge.) On the Doctor Who homepage for the week preceding, one of the contestants (Strood) is said to be from "Torchwood".[13]
  • In The Christmas Invasion, Prime Minister Harriet Jones asks Major Blake of UNIT to contact Torchwood for aid in defending Earth from the Sycorax. Jones claims she is not supposed to know about them and that not even the United Nations is aware of their existence, though they have ties to the British military. Jones takes responsibility for authorising Torchwood and eventually gives the final command for them to fire on and destroy the Sycorax ship; they have access to an enormously powerful energy weapon adapted from alien technology found ten years ago in a spaceship crash. The nature and normal authority of Torchwood are left vague.
  • The majority of the episode Tooth and Claw takes place in a Scottish house named "Torchwood House", and at the end of the episode Queen Victoria announces the foundation of an institution known as the Torchwood Institute to research and fight threats to Britain "beyond imagination" as well as to watch for the return of the Doctor. It is mentioned on the website for Torchwood House set up by the BBC that the name "Torchwood" was derived from the wood from which the staircase was made.
  • In the episode School Reunion, when Mickey is telling Rose on the telephone how he keeps being blocked while doing research on military websites, the viewer sees the words "TORCHWOOD ACCESS DENIED" flashing across his computer screen. The episode's TARDISODE details Mickey hacking into these websites, and him being blocked by Torchwood.
  • The organisation was mentioned by a senior officer in the U.S. NavyTenth Doctor Adventure novel The Feast of the Drowned.
  • In Rise of the Cybermen, a news broadcast on Rose's mobile phone refers to a survey carried out by the Torchwood Institute, and Pete Tyler asks his friend Stevie about his work at Torchwood (implying that in this parallel Earth, Torchwood is not as much of a secret as it is in ours).
  • In The Idiot's Lantern, the possibility of Torchwood getting involved is mentioned by police officers while discussing the people affected by The Wire.
  • In The Satan Pit it becomes clear that the crew are "representing" the 'The Torchwood Archive'.
I stole that from Wikipedia, I didn't make a log of each reference myself :D


From the looks of her, (Gwen) it mightn't be too bad :D And its set in Cardiff :lol::lol::lol:
Tonberry said:
Three Cheers for Ayeka!:kickass:

w00t :saint:

Tbh, I didn't even know there was this spinoff Torchwood series until I read reviews of the new series that kept saying "stop plugging this spinoff already!!!"
Screw the footie, how awesome was that! Cybermen, Daleks and Rose Tyler going to snuff it! All I need now if for Davros to make a return, and I'll be over the moon :D
Cybermen AND Daleks, YES! Never saw that one coming...if there's ever been a moment where I've had a TV programme make me go "WOW!!!", this was it. Mickey's back too, brilliant! I really warmed to him this series. Can't wait til next week, it's going to be unbelievably killer!
Ayeka said:
Cybermen AND Daleks, YES! Never saw that one coming...if there's ever been a moment where I've had a TV programme make me go "WOW!!!", this was it. Mickey's back too, brilliant! I really warmed to him this series. Can't wait til next week, it's going to be unbelievably killer!

From the preview of next weeks episode it looks like EVERYONE is back, With the merging of that other world with ours. A real kick in the teeth for me is that I'm leaving for Cyprus Saturday morning, so I'm gonna miss it :zombie:
Just watched the last episode, was a bit dissapointed to be honest... Mainly with the total ease with which The Doctor sucked back every single bad guy into the void, and they dragged Rose's exodus from the series out far too much.

Oh incase you havn't seen it, the above sentance contrains spoilers.

Roll on Christmas, for the Christmas Special Episode, which will surely pave the way for series 3.