New Dragonforce

You have to admit that this doesn't sound all that different from their other stuff. I got bored of it after about two weeks, and this isn't doing anything for me.
I agree about it not being so much different from their earlier work, but then it's also good that a band can keep their signature sound and perhaps improve upon it. However there are some major changes on this album though which I instantly warmed to: Still lots of cheese but not a single lyric or melody that makes me cringe (unlike every song on Valley Of The Damned :yuk: ), a far more dominant asian and video game influence in the music, and that sort of "you can tell they were listening to a lot of dream theater" vibe. And well apart from that I'm just a sucker for solos and double kickers. :p
I like the whole album (i got a promo verson of the whole thing) But it seems far too similar to their other stuff for me. I've seen them on tour twice, and think they are an immense band, but they do become bland after a while.
I think my bro will be at that show actually! Behemoth plays in Quebec at the same date if my memory is correct.
I think its awesome. everyone else i know says it sounds like sonic firestorm but i think it sounds completely different.