new dream theater clip online!!!

id love to see anyone in this forum outplay any member of the band at their particular instrument.

jordan ruedess is a god, period.

Technical skill on an instrument means shit if you don't know to use it in an efficient way. They're clearly losing their ability to use their skill usefully.

Complicated /= good.
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. They're a fucking nap inducing wankfest.

Is it too much for you to handle Captain ?Too many notes ,chords ,time changes and thought provoking lyrics perhaps .

That is exactly why they do it ,because they can and no one else can do what they do .
You haters are just jealous that the bands you like aren't as musically proficient .
Many bands have time changes and complex lyrics, you assbiter.This is the one band that sounds the same in every song to me. I fell asleep at their Gigantour show, and woke up to hear damn near the same fucking wank-solos 20 minutes later. Watch your mouth around here, noob, we don't take kindly to new kids as it is, let alone ones who think they deserve respect.
Even when I liked Dream Theater I thought the lyrics were shit. Thought provoking? Quite the contrary

They are clearly amazingly skilled players and musicians.

As song writers I find that they take hints from other musicians more than themselves. There's nothing wrong with taking ideas from others, but if you have no solid idea to begin with, it gets you nowhere.

More so, James Labrie isn't that talented (well in comparison to the rest of the band). He needs more range or at least show it, Warrel Dane makes full use of his range throughout his career while James doesn't. He stays in the same 1.5 octaves most of the time.

I like three dream theater albums to this date: Images and Words, 6 Degrees (though only a few songs), and Scenes From a Memory.

I have also seen them live: No energy or stage presence.

Listen to Into Eternity, tons of time changes and technical proficiency and tons of stage presence. Mind you with them every song/album doesn't sound the same, and there is valid originality to them and their sound.

I am not saying they suck, just haven't kept up their initial momentum. They've been around and playing together for a long time (since 85), eventually things fade.

Also I can't stand people who lecture me about time changes and key changes and all that other crap. In the real world of music these things have no meaning. Its about how you write a song and create a landscape of sound for the listener. The subtle dissonances, "off key," or even "out of time" phrases can enhance the rest of the song when used properly (think movies, TV, video games, symphonic music, etc). Today in my recording class we just heard a song by blind melon, which used some of the "out of time" feel. It makes the recording and the band sound human, while still showing skill and being together. Dream Theater COULD be good at this actually, but they spend too much time just wanking on the guitar and keyboard to capture this (meaning they take too long to write solos and working on their instruments than really experiment), I find the same holds true for black label society live... Totally different band, but same flaws.

With a keyboardist in the band Jordan can really create some interesting lines that add color to their sound, of course that would make dream theater something different and no one wants to do that. I am not saying he has ever done this, but its about how its done. it is more than just playing chords.

Kevin Moore was very talented as well and i also think he fit DT better. as much as I think Jordan is amazing.
Dream Theater put me to sleep live...

and now whenever I even hear one of their songs I think about their boring live performance and fall asleep.

It's just one lame wankfest.
You and me both. Andrew got pictures of me asleep, but I was able to talk him into not sharing them.