New Drum Samples Here

"The amount of magnetic particles that pass the
playback heads in an analog tape machine corresponds
to 24-bit information."


"A customized 2-track Studer can reveal
information up to 122 Khz."

I thought it was an Ampex... I think his buddy Tim patched a 10k tone into a H3000 and recorded it on the 2-track to trick him.

"Even a high-resolution format like Super Audio CD does not reach that high."

Ummm, does it really matter past 20k?

I happen to like my metal AS LOUD AS FUCKING POSSIBLE.

That Neve is the one that everybody pulls the faders off of and shitcans the rest of it.

p.s. Thanks for the cool new signature line, Mikey!
SPLASTiK said:
Sounds to me like the guy had just read this interview:

Even says:
The magnetic-particle flow past a playback head is equivalent to a 24-hit word, which is amazing resolution.

It's also a decade old article.

And this Tim records stereo on a 1 inch tape, that gives you some more dynamic range. But recording 24 tracks this way you would need a 12 inch tape.

I think for the price of just one reel you could buy a PT system.
Ha, this is the last time you'll see me post here suckerz. I'll be frequenting andy's competitor's forum from now on. There, I shall finally learn how to make my recordings sound like they are played through a tiny telephone.

I think it has something to do with recording to tape and getting rid of all kinds of nasty 'nineties' highs, but I'm not going to tell you more you filthy digital smashery bunch!

You can take our eighties big hair and spandex, but you'll never take our Studer!
tiny telephone seem to buying a Pro Tools Mix Plus, with 24 I/Os. probably because a Pro Tools HD system is available with Jamie Durr, a Mix Plus system is available with Justin Phelps at no extra cost.
So thats 3 pro tools systems they have access too.
Analog vs digital. :yuk:

I've heard bottomless recordings on a 24track Studer and on digital recorders, it all comes down to the ears behind the gear.

Whats next? Guinness vs Heineken?
Well that'd be unfair because Heineken would win by a landslide. It's gotta be something like Carlsberg vs Heineken :)

Haha, wait I think I just answered the whole analogue vs digital debate in my mind there.
It's not even a matter of analog vs digital. I think it's an interesting topic, but this is a guy with that "I hold the truth, you are all wrong" complex.
Hey, the guy makes some valid points wrt the loud Mastering. CDs are way too loud the mastering smashes dynamics all to fuck.

as for the iron, analog does some things very well... but so does digital

Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
shuttup, compared to guiness, heineken is piss water.

also, kudos to newcastle brown \m/

Easy there Hop, it's not piss water, it's an acquired taste :cool:

I hope the Island people do understand it should be cooled.
I'd take a nice cool freddy over anything lukewarm.

I will play along though and drink whatever is on draft in Derbyshire when I'll go visit my gf. I will be staying pretty damn close to Ripley, so Andy if you're in for a drink at the pub let me know. :kickass:
Mulder said:
All my HD's have an FeO2 recording surface
yeah, i have those too... the platters are 2 inches in diameter. hey, do you have this same problem?: the more i use these HD's the more i have to boost the high end over time. go figure.