New Drum Samples Here

Like everybody here, I don't care for analog recording anymore.

It's quite easy to make jokes about this, BUT I've met many people (musicians and normal metalheads) who told me that some productions (including most of the Sneap ones) do sound more clinical than a drum computer loop.

DRUMS: Everythings triggered. Every hit is the same.
MASTER: No dynamics anymore. Squashed!

It's not my opinion, but I really do understand why people prefer old dynamic thrash albums, where you actually hear people play to a modern recording, triggered, edited and limited to the max.
sounds like a disgruntled analog snob who had to vent

there have been MANY great recordings made both ways...anyone who denies that has some logic that i just don't comprehend
metalkingdom said:
It is WAY fucking harder to make shit sound good on digital than it is on analog.

Is that really true?

I've never had the chance to record on analogue, so my experience is limited in that regard. I've always thought that it would've been exactly the other way around.
Moonlapse said:
Is that really true?

I've never had the chance to record on analogue, so my experience is limited in that regard. I've always thought that it would've been exactly the other way around.

It is most definitely true.
TheSweetener said:
Like everybody here, I don't care for analog recording anymore.

It's quite easy to make jokes about this, BUT I've met many people (musicians and normal metalheads) who told me that some productions (including most of the Sneap ones) do sound more clinical than a drum computer loop.

DRUMS: Everythings triggered. Every hit is the same.
MASTER: No dynamics anymore. Squashed!

It's not my opinion, but I really do understand why people prefer old dynamic thrash albums, where you actually hear people play to a modern recording, triggered, edited and limited to the max.

But this has far more to do with the current engineering style rather than any fundemental truths about the differences between the analog and digital sound.
And, while it's not wrong to dislike the current style, it is wrong to be a douchebag about it and email a bunch of insults to a total stranger.
egan. said:
But this has far more to do with the current engineering style rather than any fundemental truths about the differences between the analog and digital sound.
And, while it's not wrong to dislike the current style, it is wrong to be a douchebag about it and email a bunch of insults to a total stranger.

preeee-cisely. amen. case closed?
I am not agreeing with that guy, but I think that analogue recordings do sound better than digital ones, which is why I gravitate towards older music. Everything these days is so compressed and strangled. It seems I can't actually listen to modern compressed up-front music so much without it beginning to grate on me. I like that warm fuzzy analogue sound and nice dynamic recording.

HOWEVER, I greatly appreciate the amount of work and knowledge modern digital music takes to produce and so on, and I temper my listening of older school stuff with newer digital sounding stuff. I do however gravitate towards older analog sounding recordings and would like to make my stuff reflect that in some way, despite all my very digital equipment and means.

That guy was just rude though. I don't fully prefer digital sounding recordings but that shouldn't translate to mindless bashing. I appreciate what Andy does.