New Drum Samples Here

OzNimbus said:
Actually, you can take a 2 inch, 24 track Studer for about 3-4 grand CDN these days. Not bad for a deck that used to cost 80 grand 2 years ago.


Yeah, right. And don't put up a link to that piece of crap on Ebay, either.
How can anyone want Death to Alsihad?

Alsihad = perfect records. Every drum hit quantized, every vocal pitch-corrected, every instrument compressed and equalized to perfection. It’s the absolute state of the art. Nothing else even comes close. That’s why Alsihad is the industry standard.

Ingrates !!! LOL
metalkingdom said:
Yeah, right. And don't put up a link to that piece of crap on Ebay, either.

While I'd hardly call a 2 inch Studer a "piece of crap", nor do I take orders, Let me clarify that I'm digital by choice.

I lived thru the 80's, and I remember more than a few metal recordings done on the so-called 'golden' analog format that sounded utterly dreadful. Anyone remember Savatage's "Hall of the Mountain King?" That record sounded downright awful. It's not the tools. It's who's running them that counts.

That being said, for those intersted,the unit in question:
And a reputable used dealer here Thier Studer is going for quite a bit more, but astonishingly cheap compared to a few years ago.

My main point is that I'm really blown away by just how cheap 2 inch decks have become. MCI, Otari, Ampex, have all come down to prices that would have been unheard of two years ago.
I propose we start a thread where we can post emails from jackasses like this who like to get needlessly offensive for no reason.

I recently received an email from the boyfriend of a girl I kissed two years ago. I haven't even seen this girl since. He told me to stop calling her on the phone even though we've talked maybe once in the past four months. What a fucking douche bag. I was thinking about posting his myspace address so you guys can harass him for me.

BTW I'm with Ether, I still don't get the purpose of that email.
All I know is, "Pillow Padded Love Massage" is totally the name of my next fucking album.

Oh, and Duvel absolutely slays all the aforementioned beers from earlier...

And Death Cab for Cutie is a really fucking weird band name.
Ok.....I think we are all avoiding the obvious....this is really making me mad....

Were the hell are the New Drum Samples.....:loco:
I can actually somewhat see this guy's point. Although his delivery is irrevocable.

If I could afford a 24 track 2" machine, and could stand to track and edit off that medium, and could afford the high cost of the tape necessary to use it; I'd be recording analogue. It has nothing to do with analogue being "better", just that tape compression sounds awesome to me, especially on dirty guitars. I happen to LIKE the way the analogue degrades the sound. That's what needs to be acknowledged here in my opinion. Analogue warmth is a form of processing or distortion being applied to the sound. And to some of us that sounds good.

But...what do you do. Digital is about 1000x more efficient...and there's this thing in the creative process called "workflow" that's clearly heavily impeded by old school analogue recording fuck it. digitial it is.

Plus, you can back up digital recordings with no quality loss! 'leet.
Carrier Flux said:
I can actually somewhat see this guy's point. Although his delivery is irrevocable.

If I could afford a 24 track 2" machine, and could stand to track and edit off that medium, and could afford the high cost of the tape necessary to use it; I'd be recording analogue. It has nothing to do with analogue being "better", just that tape compression sounds awesome to me, especially on dirty guitars. I happen to LIKE the way the analogue degrades the sound. That's what needs to be acknowledged here in my opinion. Analogue warmth is a form of processing or distortion being applied to the sound. And to some of us that sounds good.

But...what do you do. Digital is about 1000x more efficient...and there's this thing in the creative process called "workflow" that's clearly heavily impeded by old school analogue recording fuck it. digitial it is.

Plus, you can back up digital recordings with no quality loss! 'leet.

I each there own but that guy was just a dick for the way he went about it......
chadsxe said:
I each there own but that guy was just a dick for the way he went about it......
yeah absolutely. he reminds me of the guys where I live working at the botique guitar shops. "if you don't play blues rock through a cornfield amp, you don't know anything about music". stupidity. just plain stupidity. sure, I'm sure cornfield's sound fine...but there's a whole 'nother world of musicality out there.
Well, at a radio station, they have a ton of comp/limiter equipment setup to make everything level. I use to work at a local rock station before I got into recording, and Black Sabbath would be as loud as the new stuff from Disturbed. Ever noticed how cd's don't sound the same as the radio? How it's a lot louder on the radio and the bass is thicker, and there's more high-end? It's just how they run the audio through before it hits the tower. You can take an original (not re-mastered) cd of an album recorded back in the 80's or late 70's, and analyze the tracks. And then compare it to tracks from even the re-mastered version of that same album. The new one will be, typically, much louder. But if you play the same two tracks through a radio station's system, one from the orginal and one from the re-master, you will not be able to tell the difference really as far as volume goes.

It is a hilaraous letter. Heres my observations about analog. Studer is really smooth and 3D. I really do like the sound of Studer. Had a friend that tracked at Fantasy Studios A room on the Neve 8056 and Studer 800's they had. Wow. Really amazing 3D in your face sound. Cymbals that go on forever. Perfect kick compression.

But the difference is small. Its not huge. And the atvantages you get with digital recordings make up for the sound in time and pulled out hair. I dont think the 10-15 percent increase in qualility makes up for digital's atvantages. Plus the way we record now, there are loads of things we can not even do in analog.

And the analog setup Im talking is the best of the best. A well maintained vintage Neve and a well maintained and modded Studer A800MKIII. There's nothing better. How many of us will get to work on that shit? With the budgets labels have for metal, none of us.

That guy is talking out of his ass like James said. He's reading all this esoteric shit that has no place here. Andy's sound is compressed sure. Its not that loud really, but the compression is the sound WE WANT TO HEAR. WE WANT TO HEAR SAMPLES. WE LOVE SAMPLES. WE LOVE FAKE ASS CLICKY TRIGGERS!!! haha. Im kidding but its true. This is want we want to hear. Its today's sound.

I dont want to go back to Iron Maiden Number of the Beast production. All analog sure. But not that great. Even Piece of Mind, the best of the Maiden productions is great for the tme, but not what I want to hear now.

By the way Tim Paravichi makes the 8 track 2 inch machines. Super high end multitrack. High end out to 122k or whatever. Want to hear one used for rock/metal? Drums on Ozzy Ozborne Ozmosis.

Carrier Flux said:
I happen to LIKE the way the analogue degrades the sound. That's what needs to be acknowledged here in my opinion. Analogue warmth is a form of processing or distortion being applied to the sound. And to some of us that sounds good.

I bought a Revox B77 2track for near to nothing.
Have to repair it a bit, after that I'll use it as an external FX in N3.
Just put it on record, feed it with signal from N3 and directly take the audio from the reprohead, returning it to N3.
N3 can do delaycompensation. After bouncing the tracks to disk I'll sound analog. :tickled:
Andy Sneap said:
OK I lied, but I knew that would get your attention.

I've got to share this with you all.

As you can appreciate, I get a huge amount of emails about recording and general chit chat, but this email is a classic, and as open as I want this forum to be, I wanted to share it with you.
Feel free to express an opinion.
Here we go...
By the way, his name is Michael Arrington <>

You know and I know: Heavy Metal sounds best when
recorded AND mixed in pure analog. Compare the analog
metal recordings from the 80s with the ones from the
90s and the new millienium. 80s metal sounds better in
every single way.

Why is there no analog equipment in your studio?

Why do you digitally compress the living piss out of
everything you touch?

I listened to the two Exodus albums that you ruined.
Disgusting. Digitally manipulated to the max. And they
have been mastered so god damn loud I can hardly stand
listening to them for more than a few minutes. Sampled
and triggered mechanical plastic drum sounds are your
trade marks.

Maybe you should learn from Tiny Telephone Studios:

A pure analog recording studio. They use a 24-track
Studer for recording and a 2-track Ampex ATR for
mixing. Their console is an analog Neve. Lots of bands
have recorded AND mixed their albums in pure analog at
Tiny Telephone in the past few years.

The amount of magnetic particles that pass the
playback heads in an analog tape machine corresponds
to 24-bit information. Just ask Tim de Paravicini, he
knows. A customized 2-track Studer can reveal
information up to 122 Khz. Even a high-resolution
format like Super Audio CD does not reach that high.

With todays modern digital technology, recording music
has become a mechanical, computerized and artifial
process. Anyone can lie on his back in his bathtub at
home and record a rock album these days.

ProTools = Tools for amateurs

Nothing sounds like tape!
You didn't have to publish the e-mail that I sent you for all to laugh :D
vile_ator said:
And the analog setup Im talking is the best of the best. A well maintained vintage Neve and a well maintained and modded Studer A800MKIII.

What kind of mod on the A800? I've never heard of any mods to that machine other than with the headstacks.

There's one thing that nobody has mentioned here. It is WAY fucking harder to make shit sound good on digital than it is on analog. One of the reasons that I love Andy's production/mixes is that he makes EVERYTHING sound punchy as hell and very dimensional. I will never get over the fact that he recorded "The Gathering" on frickin' ADATS. I coulda swore that this was done on 2". I've made recordings on ADAT that people thought were done on 2", but it wasn't with live drums and heavy guitars.

Fuck the haters!
metalkingdom said:
There's one thing that nobody has mentioned here. It is WAY fucking harder to make shit sound good on digital than it is on analog.

Fuck the haters!

Agreed. Digital is a harsh mistress. I honestly believe that digital was stuck with a stigma of being 'brittle' because the first engineers that used it tried to clip it like analog.

OzNimbus said:
Agreed. Digital is a harsh mistress. I honestly believe that digital was stuck with a stigma of being 'brittle' because the first engineers that used it tried to clip it like analog.

actually converters just weren't quite as good then as can be had now, as well.