Well..... I'd planned on partaking in the fun until my computer unleashed a shitstorm of fury upon me............ Since I am now behind, I will begin with tequila and hope for the best.
More Death Row/Pentagram,

one of the best metal bands EVER from one of the least metal posters on this board :)


edit: the main riff in Review Your Choices is one of the best fucking guitar riffs I've ever heard :kickass:

edit2: Victor Griffin looks like such a freak :lol:


Holy shit there are so many new Pentagram vids on youtube!!!!
What's up with the slow shit?!?!


With butter?

I want bacon.
Didnt know this was a youtube thread......Wellllll, let's LIVE FAST AND DIE DRUNK MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!

Well, it wasn't suposed to be, but I had to teach some lessons of course. Being a student of STEEL you have obviously brought might to the table!
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Im gettin' trashed of my worst days ever on my job today.


One of the worst past two day on the job for me as well, we had a gear inspection and I got very pissed and started throwing my shit around and being general pissed off. My sergeant was not amused and I've been dealing with his non-amusement for 2 days, which fucking BLOWS. Fuck it though!
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