Krilons Resa
Jerry's married?!
I'm a touch more than half-in-the-bag at this point in time. And that bag is being flattened by Las Cruces.
...and wtf is up with smooth jazz?
Smooth fucking jazz?
More Death Row/Pentagram,
one of the best metal bands EVER from one of the least metal posters on this board
edit: the main riff in Review Your Choices is one of the best fucking guitar riffs I've ever heard
edit2: Victor Griffin looks like such a freak
Holy shit there are so many new Pentagram vids on youtube!!!!
What's up with the slow shit?!?!
Didnt know this was a youtube thread......Wellllll, let's LIVE FAST AND DIE DRUNK MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!
Im gettin' trashed of my worst days ever on my job today.