New european tour planned?


New Metal Member
Apr 25, 2006
Hey, i was just wondering if you planned to do another european tour! It would totally kickass :D If you do you could possibly think of coming 1 day to Luxembourg. That would be really awesome ^^ Thanks
There is actually. If you go to the interviews thread, there's a streaming audio with Janne and he says they're doing Europe again after the Unholy Alliance tour and another US one.
Moien Loron, a wëlkomm am Geckenhaus!:D Yep. et wär scho gäil wann d'Hate Crew ging op Lëtzebuerg kommen! (Velläicht an den Atelier?)
-Merrild- said:
do you think its kewl that they have become obsessed with money..they only do tour where like many young kids live and shit like that.
actually, i don't really care where they tour as long as i get to SEE THEM! :rolleyes:

edit: plus, it's much easier to hang out with them after the shows in the States, rather than anywhere in Europe... er in the rest of the world for that matter! :rolleyes:
trust me... i know :Smug:
Scorpia said:
actually, i don't really care where they tour as long as i get to SEE THEM! :rolleyes:

edit: plus, it's much easier to hang out with them after the shows in the States, rather than anywhere in Europe... er in the rest of the world for that matter! :rolleyes:trust me... i know :Smug:
