New Fan Alert - Introduction

Hail Odin! :kickass:

I'm new to Amon Amarth, I can only think to myself - how the hell have I missed such a band!

I accidently click on a link somewhere on one of the metal sites I visit and ended up on the official site, well after checking out some of the new vids I was hooked!

I've been into metal since the mid 80's, and over the years 'developed' my sub-genre of metal enjoyment :heh: One of the genres that had a big impact was Death Metal (my first taste was what a lot of people consider the 'Grandfather' of Death Metal - Deicide, early 90's) From this I've gone onto bands like Bolt Thrower, Obituary, Cannibal Corpse and into the present with bands like Nile, Origin and Bal-Sagoth.

There was another genre of metal that I'd started to 'get into' that was Black Metal, at first I wasn't sure, but sticking with it and the bands that lead the line as it were I became a 'convert' and started to understand the metal. This led me to a massive scandinavian onslaught of metal, and not just black, but back to my Death Metal - Bands like Blood Red Throne, Zyklon, Unleashed and now Amon Amarth.

I guess one other reason I can identify with the musical/lyrical content of AA's songs is the interest I hold with history in general, but more so due to my fascination with the history of the old world and how we in Great Britian were shaped by the Viking raids, more so with me living in the North East of England, an area rich in history! I would love to think my ancestors had links with the Vikings :headbang:

So what with my love of history, metal and real ales! :kickass: What better band to discover (and add their music) to add to my collection.

Congrats go out to the band for the awesome remasters of the first 4 albums! What a time to start collecting! Can't wait for the final one and the Collectors Box!!!! (I'm a geek when it comes to stuff like that). Plus the quality of Twilight of the Thunder God was awesome (I got the book version) Now thats how to please you're fans :headbang:

So do any of the band visit?

Welcome man! This band definitely brought me back into the metal scene after I went on a hiatus for awhile ( I know what the fuck was I thinking). But welcome glad you enjoy them.
Many thanks for the welcome!

Hoping for a better experience here than the AleStorm forum! :mad:

Regards :kickass:

Welcome chief :)I have not been in the Alestorm forum recently... what's that you are referring to?

Just got their new CD today BTW- maybe when other half relinquishes it I'll be able to listen to it finally!
Yeh, Amon Amarth arent bad hey? hah.

None of the members have been on the forum for a while, if you look through old posts you'll see some from Fred & Johan. Ted is a moderator on here but never logs on!

& What do you mean "What a time to start collecting"? that must suck, you have heaps of catching up & buying to do!

Ill get all the re-mastered cds, but im more hanging out for the live dvd set.
Yeh, Amon Amarth arent bad hey? hah.

None of the members have been on the forum for a while, if you look through old posts you'll see some from Fred & Johan. Ted is a moderator on here but never logs on!

& What do you mean "What a time to start collecting"? that must suck, you have heaps of catching up & buying to do!

Ill get all the re-mastered cds, but im more hanging out for the live dvd set.

Fail. Johan posted couple of days ago in "i dare you johan" thread" :p
Welcome chief :)I have not been in the Alestorm forum recently... what's that you are referring to?

Just got their new CD today BTW- maybe when other half relinquishes it I'll be able to listen to it finally!

Many thanks for the kind words hun :kickass: I see you're from Scotland :) I guess we were nearly all part of the clan (being from Northumberland) if my history serves me right.

Yeah, its a shame about how the band and their 'mates' treat people who have more passion and enthusiasm than they do for the band. I'm quite into my history of our sceptred isle, anything from the Roman occupation to the Viking raids that shaped us, along with our rich 18th century history, and the golden age of sail. Well, and I had this from the lead singer of AleStorm (Chris, along with others) that they blame Napalm Records for 'marketing' the band as a 'Pirate Metal' band, apparently they have no interest in pirates what so ever! I'm just puzzled now as to what drives the band, where do they get the creative inspiration from then? What does this mean for the future of the band? So to cut a long story short, I've been pretty much shot down with anything I mentioned relating to pirates on their forum, which is a shame as I do enjoy both albums (even if its slightly tarnished how I looked upon the band now).

Still, I get the impression from other members across these forums that there seems to be an age issue with their members :rolleyes:

At least I've had a warm welcome from Amon Amarth fans! :headbang:
Yeh, Amon Amarth arent bad hey? hah.

None of the members have been on the forum for a while, if you look through old posts you'll see some from Fred & Johan. Ted is a moderator on here but never logs on!

& What do you mean "What a time to start collecting"? that must suck, you have heaps of catching up & buying to do!

Ill get all the re-mastered cds, but im more hanging out for the live dvd set.

Hail Odin! :kickass:

Thanks for the welcome, what I mean is just what I think you have commented on. A vast collection of albums to go at :)

The reason why I'm happy I'd 'discovered' the band now is, is because of the remasters - since not having any of the albums, I can start a fresh with the remasters, I've just got The Avenger remaster, and while I was waiting for that one to be released I managed to not only find a copy of the first remaster, but also the Twilight of the Thunder God special edition book version along with the standard (only) versions of Fate and Odin.

All I need now is to find somewhere local if pos, on where I can get some clothing merch :headbang: If not, I'll just hit the net.
All I need now is to find somewhere local if pos, on where I can get some clothing merch :headbang: If not, I'll just hit the net.

Still searching? Check Victorious Merch (AA official shop).service is quite good. Ordered the same day from EMP in the UK and VM in Germany, and the order coming from Germany took less time than the one that shipped from Surrey.
Hello and welcome...glad to see I am not the only one who comes across things by accident...or in my case random shuffle on a friends IPOD.
Many thanks for the kind words hun :kickass: I see you're from Scotland :) I guess we were nearly all part of the clan (being from Northumberland) if my history serves me right.

Yeah, its a shame about how the band and their 'mates' treat people who have more passion and enthusiasm than they do for the band. I'm quite into my history of our sceptred isle, anything from the Roman occupation to the Viking raids that shaped us, along with our rich 18th century history, and the golden age of sail. Well, and I had this from the lead singer of AleStorm (Chris, along with others) that they blame Napalm Records for 'marketing' the band as a 'Pirate Metal' band, apparently they have no interest in pirates what so ever! I'm just puzzled now as to what drives the band, where do they get the creative inspiration from then? What does this mean for the future of the band? So to cut a long story short, I've been pretty much shot down with anything I mentioned relating to pirates on their forum, which is a shame as I do enjoy both albums (even if its slightly tarnished how I looked upon the band now).

Still, I get the impression from other members across these forums that there seems to be an age issue with their members :rolleyes:

At least I've had a warm welcome from Amon Amarth fans! :headbang:

Actually I'm Spanish by birth and Scottish by marriage. Only last week we were in Northumberland, checking on heritage sites (yep, fellow history geeks here pal). Loved Lindisfarne, Durham and Alnwick Castle, it's a lovely part of the country you live in.

I was a bit disappointed with the Alestorm forum to tell you the truth- that's why I hardly ever go there anymore. And what you tell me about the pirate metal being a ploy is a pity, they are a fantastic band live, even if some of their fans are a bit annoying (last gig I went to made me feel ancient for not being ID'd).

We kind of "adopted" them for being Scottish, not for being Pirates- specially if you consider that they come from Perth, which only has the river Tay running through it...
Actually I'm Spanish by birth and Scottish by marriage. Only last week we were in Northumberland, checking on heritage sites (yep, fellow history geeks here pal). Loved Lindisfarne, Durham and Alnwick Castle, it's a lovely part of the country you live in.

I was a bit disappointed with the Alestorm forum to tell you the truth- that's why I hardly ever go there anymore. And what you tell me about the pirate metal being a ploy is a pity, they are a fantastic band live, even if some of their fans are a bit annoying (last gig I went to made me feel ancient for not being ID'd).

We kind of "adopted" them for being Scottish, not for being Pirates- specially if you consider that they come from Perth, which only has the river Tay running through it...

Thanks for the kind words about Northumberland! :kickass:

Well as for the AleStorm forum, I suppose I'll just put it down to experience :) and spend more time in this forum, and you're right, it is annoying.

Off topic abit, but just the other week, I watched my first ever foreign film (never really got into the subtitle thingy!) But what a surprise! I was hooked - the reason I'm telling you this is because it was a Spanish film - 'Rec' :) I was very impressed, I totally enjoyed it, and it wasn't a problem with it being in Spanish what so ever!