New Fan Alert - Introduction

I'm full of zingers like that. You'll grow to loathe me and dread my ceaseless and inevitable whining and bitching about everything.
I am an older metal fan... married with kids, I hope to fuck I ain't the oldest somofabitch here.
Anyways, I am a new fan of AA.

I am a media whore and to make money I am a web monkey for a large telecommunications company. So I spend my entire day coloring and listening to metal. I have the best job in the world.
Hello and welcome...glad to see I am not the only one who comes across things by accident...or in my case random shuffle on a friends IPOD.

As for me, I was totally wasted at a festival in 2004 and wanted to see a band (don't know which one anymore) and ended up in the wrong marquee (where AA just came on stage).
Best mistake ever!:loco:
@ MainMor - Just as I've been welcomed here, let me pass on my welcome to you! :kickass:

As for age....who knows, I'm 35 :heh:

Oh kickass... I am 35 as well. Been to a few sites recently where I tried to get a foothold into the community until I discovered I was the creepy old guy and everyone else just had their balls drop.
I'm full of zingers like that. You'll grow to loathe me and dread my ceaseless and inevitable whining and bitching about everything.

actually after growing to hate your posts I've started enjoying them:lol:
(probably cos I'm just a confused teenager XD)

oh and welcome to the new person :headbang:
I dont even remember 19....turned 32 this year....had to look at my ID cuz i couldnt remember if I was 31 or 32 :cry:

I think we've all done that! :heh:

Yay, I'm not the oldest, I'm only 34 :p

Yep, there's a whole bunch of us in the 30-35 range.

Yeah, and I think it shows across the topics on here, granted we have some younger members, but not all of them are immature like I've seen on some boards!

I am an older metal fan... married with kids, I hope to fuck I ain't the oldest somofabitch here.
Anyways, I am a new fan of AA.

I am a media whore and to make money I am a web monkey for a large telecommunications company. So I spend my entire day coloring and listening to metal. I have the best job in the world.

Mid thirties male professional. My favourite forum demographic hands down :heh::heh:

Got more interesting stuff to share, puts up with babbling from a feisty metal woman (yeah 29 here, no spring chicken myself!) and is not as nippy as the kiddies.
Plus every now and then they give you really useful tips on how to fix stuff.
I guess the good thing about being one of the younger members is that theres lots to look up to............or not ;)
We also get free advice about where to get the best OAP tickets, the most comfortable seats at gigs and where to put your walking sticks so they don't get in the way.
I guess the good thing about being one of the younger members is that theres lots to look up to............or not ;)

I am probably shorter than you so dont look up to me :p

No, its more like an spectre of Chistmas future. That's what you will eventually turn into unless you make ammends.... muahahaha. :heh:

We also get free advice about where to get the best OAP tickets, the most comfortable seats at gigs and where to put your walking sticks so they don't get in the way.

Dont forget we can get you the best parking spaces and if your lucky the senior discount on drinks:heh:
one of the good things of being old, they have the responsibility/money (sometimes)
to go to major shows across the sea (Bloodshed of Bochum)
while us, teenagers, need the money (can be resolved), but most of us need the permission from our legal guardian to go!

so if you're old and didn't go, you fail!