New Fan Alert - Introduction

one of the good things of being old, they have the responsibility/money (sometimes)
to go to major shows across the sea (Bloodshed of Bochum)
while us, teenagers, need the money (can be resolved), but most of us need the permission from our legal guardian to go!

so if you're old and didn't go, you fail!

OR you have a sorry ass job that doesn't give you time off at certain times of the year like the whole month of July...and from Nov 1 to Jan 1st are times my job puts a freeze on all vacation requests. So yeah even though i was living under a rock at that time had I known I wouldn't have been able to go anyway lol
OR you have a sorry ass job that doesn't give you time off at certain times of the year like the whole month of July...and from Nov 1 to Jan 1st are times my job puts a freeze on all vacation requests. So yeah even though i was living under a rock at that time had I known I wouldn't have been able to go anyway lol

i was referring to bloodshed of bochum which was at new years!

which is a holiday!

thanks for playing along tho :p
i was referring to bloodshed of bochum which was at new years!

which is a holiday!

thanks for playing along tho :p

And I was referring to the fact that because some people have nothing better to do than come to wal-mart and buy condoms and mountain dew on new years eve...its takes damn near an act of congress to get vacation time during the holidays. I think I have gotten time off at the holidays one time in 7yrs and that was because I threatened my boss with bodily harm.
And I was referring to the fact that because some people have nothing better to do than come to wal-mart and buy condoms and mountain dew on new years eve...its takes damn near an act of congress to get vacation time during the holidays. I think I have gotten time off at the holidays one time in 7yrs and that was because I threatened my boss with bodily harm.

Also.. one has got the kid's thing... the wife thing... the mortgage thing... the "Hey I am now broke as fuck all" thing... the "I just want to take a nap" thing... the "you god damned kids get offa my lawn" thing..

Oh wait that last one is more a hobby than anything else.

At least the wife enjoys my music selections... and drinks heavily with me.