New football season

I think Liverpool (the team I most closely follow, although I'm more of a neutral than anything these days) will finish in the Top Four. As for the title, I think it's gonna be between Man Utd, Man City and Chelsea.

I've got a hunch that Arsenal will have a very disappointing season, finishing 5th or 6th and the board will finally decide by the end of it that Wenger has to go. I also have a feeling that Tottenham won't progress as well as they could do from last season.

I think all three teams that came up are gonna go straight back down.

Just really working on hunches at the moment!
I'm looking forward to seeing how the new look Liverpool come together. Charlie Adam, Luis Suarez, Andy Carroll, Stewart Downing should add some creative flair and goal scoring power but I'd still like to see a new centre back come in...preferably Gary Cahill from Bolton
As an Arsenal fan (since the early 90s), part of me is dreading the new season. Having watched the majority of the pre-season games, our defence is still looking weak. I still feel confident that we can finish 4th, but with a couple of additions in the right areas and an injury free campaign we could challenge (the constant optimist)

Also a lifelong fan of Bristol City. Not the best start (3-0 loss to Ipswich, cancelled League Cup game), but we should be looking for mid-table finish, with outside chance of play-offs if everything fits together
Very pleased to hear that my home town club Wrexham have been allowed to start the season as well. Been a fan since the late 70's and I was worried that they were going to go the way of their neighbours Chester City

It would've been very sad had they gone under, so great to know that not only are they still going, but they are doing really well at the moment!

What are peoples' opinions on how the Premier League is going so far? If results so far are anything to go by, my prediction of the League being between Man Utd and Man City is coming true. But it is still very early days yet.

One player I have particularly noticed doing the business is Ashley Young. I've always rated him, but had my doubts as to whether he could step up and fulfil his potential, but if he keeps going the way he is, he's on route to becoming World-Class.

Very pleased with the start Liverpool have made. At first, I was bewildered as to why Dalglish had bought so many Midfielders, but now I can see why. Too many times in recent years, Liverpool have looked lost without Gerrard. He is getting older and more injury prone, so now they have plenty of options to make up for it. All new signings are playing well and Suarez is amazing. Could do with toning down the ease with which he goes down under some challenges but you could say that about so many Footballers these days. I'm confident that they are Top Four bound, especially if they manage to get Coates and he lives up to the hype.

As for Arsenal, am I the only one who thinks that too much is being made of their defeat yesterday? Granted it got a bit embarrassing and Wenger probably could've done with buying players sooner (although the topic of buying players and principles of not paying over the odds is another discussion entirely, which I'll leave for now), but I can imagine them buying at least two quality, experienced players before the Transfer Window closes.

People saying he needs to go are crazy and fickle beyond belief. If Ferguson understands his sheer quality as a manager, what he is trying to do and is willing to acknowledge it in public (along with having a nice dig at the Media whilst he was at it!), then that should tell you everything. Even if they do get rid of him, who do they replace him with?

I actually think it's one of their rivals in Tottenham who should be more concerned. They lost 5-1 at Home with their best side out. Are the players they have bought and may end up buying really going to improve them that much?

I feel sorry for both clubs actually. They have both had absolute mare of pre-seasons because of other players getting mardy and wanting to leave despite the fact that they already earn sickening amounts of money (Modric for Tottenham, Nasri and to a lesser extent, Fabregas for Arsenal). The constant media reports about them, where they are moving to, plus the other things that come from it. (Redknapp has come out and said that Modric was telling him at 11:30am yesterday that he wasn't sure if he felt right to play against Man City).
Sloppy play from England we should've had more goals but one is all you need and Downing's possession and cross were nice. Wales were always on the back foot, never really had a chance I thought.
I think Capello put it best about England. They played well for 20 minutes and that's it. It was the kind of performance that is likely to get us a win most of the time against teams of the calibre of Wales (mean no disrespect but I'm sure most agree) providing you ride your luck (which England certainly did with that Earnshaw chance). We play a side like Germany or Brazil or Italy though with that performance we would get killed.

Wales played really well and were unlucky not to get a draw. They can hold their heads up high. England can just be relieved that they got 3 points and learn from the experience.
Massively looking forward to Liverpool vs Man Utd later! Strangely it feels like both sides have changed significantly since they last played each other and it should be a fascinating contest.

On the subject of England, I can't say I agree with what appears to be many people saying Rooney shouldn't be taken to Euro 2012. He is without a doubt England's Talisman and if England get through the group stages, whether they do it with flying colours or they scrape through, having Rooney back, rested and raring to go, could give England a massive lift and improve their game big time.

I think that having one less player available in the group stages and the potential dilemma of whether to put him straight back into the side if England get through playing well or not are very small sacrifices to make in comparison to the potential benefits.