New forum feedback/sneak peeks

And I know Krigmeister (and others) I have been saying shirts for years now... I finally have a logo I am completely happy with, so I will definitely work up some designs and have shirts along with launch.
I think posting things like hauls, what you're listening to and such in profiles will slowly make a few of the current threads threads die or disappear inactivity. I could be wrong though.

edit: Yea, t-shirts would be kewl.

The way I envision it, and the way I will test it, is you can post your pic to your profile, then share it to the proper thread (vs. loading your pic somewhere else on the web and linking to it).

Or, you post to both, one in the appropriate thread, and then add to your profile so people can check out all your pics (vs. sifting back in time through a huge thread).

Hopefully it will be a best of both worlds type thing :)
I think posting things like hauls, what you're listening to and such in profiles will slowly make a few of the current threads threads die or disappear inactivity. I could be wrong though.

edit: Yea, t-shirts would be kewl.

You'd have to go to each person's individual page. If people could link to it, then the threads won't necessarily die.
As long as there's a skin for dark text on white background, I'll be happy. Most of the metal websites I find seem to be light text on dark backgrounds, and I can't stare at those for very long on my PC without it doing my eyes in.

I'm OK with them on my tablet, but a lot of these sites aren't designed for the small screen, so I welcome the mobile option.
oh god. do we really wanna reopen that can of worms

Id say no to rep as well. Fuck promoting pandering posts just to get repped. I would prefer a "thanks" system for liking user recs, posts, and such.

Now that right there sounds awesome. *edit: but after looking at it(was on cell earlier) im not so sure now. I have a feeling that this change might just end up being the death of this place.*

But im basically on the same page as the other old farts. I think it's fine the way it is right now.

Yea, I personally like the general older layout and consistency of the site as it is now (one of my favorite forum layouts). Can we get some screenshots of the new post bit - and how it looks with the layout?
I'll post some more a bit later after some more tweaks.

There is a "Like" for posts now.

OneManArmy, welcome to the forum. There will indeed be a ahite w/black text style for the new site.
That's a little frightening lol

Tonight's highlight for the new forum development...uploading pictures with your post!

If you drag and drop multiple pictures, they all upload and you can choose to either insert them as thumbnails (which will pop up into a picture viewer on screen), or, insert full size. If you insert full size, unlike this software, the new forum keeps pictures in check and will not "blow out" the width of the forum.

Also, if you're in the middle of writing a post, you can save a draft, or, if you accidentally hit the back button or get taken off the page, your progress is saved and will be there when you come back. Boing.

Really loving this:


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Are you writing the new forum software yourself, or building on the framework of one of the many existing forum packages that is used on the website?

One feature I find invaluable on a few other forums I use is where it remembers my viewing activity in threads. This is usually only on the mobile versions, but it highlights thread titles in bold where there's new posts since I last viewed it, and it also positions me on the first unread post in that when opening it (like bookmarks in a book).
Are you writing the new forum software yourself, or building on the framework of one of the many existing forum packages that is used on the website?

One feature I find invaluable on a few other forums I use is where it remembers my viewing activity in threads. This is usually only on the mobile versions, but it highlights thread titles in bold where there's new posts since I last viewed it, and it also positions me on the first unread post in that when opening it (like bookmarks in a book).

Forum software =
Framework = Audentio UI.X

I'm doing all the customizing/theming using those. Anyone that tries to reinvent the forum wheel these days on their own would be certifiable.

This will track what you've read and will drop you at your last unread post when viewing a thread.
Also, if you're in the middle of writing a post, you can save a draft, or, if you accidentally hit the back button or get taken off the page, your progress is saved and will be there when you come back. Boing.

Essential feature. Nothing I hate more than typing up a post, losing it, and then typing the inferior follow-up post cause I dont feel like bothering anymore.
Couple of things: I prefer this blue/black scheme. Not too picky about it but red is harsh, don't know how people can stand to look at it for very long. Like that posts are less likely to be lost to the ether.

Also disabled my adblock for this site.

I know different forums have different ways of trying to bring in some cash. Two options are possibly "Supporter" level and "Premium" level. Supporters get a "Supporter" banner above/below their avatar or something, can be achieved for any amount of donation up to "Premium level" (on some set basis of time, eg, if you donate only once, after some amount of time you lose the supporter banner). At "Premium", you unlock something like extra emojis/smilies or something, unlimited name changes, and get the a more prestigious banner (maybe a shirt also).

Something that would also be cool would be if there were someway for (maybe premium) members to have a "collection" section in their profile, where they could list the albums they own, maybe with art and a link to encyclopedia metallum or somehting.
Thanks for the feedback. It's definitely a fence balance when you get into the "ad" thing. I am working on premium membership thing. I don't want it to be more fluff than substance.
I was doing a lot of testing with the mobile theme to see how well the forum handled, options wise, using a phone. Happy to say I was very pleased. You can upload straight from the camera, was easy to navigate around and "do things". Pretty awesome.

Small poll, how many here currently use Tapatalk to access the site?