New forum feedback/sneak peeks

I'm probably going to kill Tapatalk support when we have the full mobile, but I know some large forum owners that have faced backlash when they did that. I'm curious for those that use / argue about it, what value they get from it vs. using a fully mobile site.
A few comments from me:

Colour scheme: As I mentioned before, dark text on a white background is very important to me, and I'm very pleased it has been confirmed that this will be available in the new software. I'm quite happy with Metal websites needing to look "metal" by having dark backgrounds, but often they don't give the choice to change to something easier on the eye. I can't stare at light text on dark backgrounds for very long (maybe 30 seconds)... I end up with the same visual effect as if I was staring at a light bulb or the Sun, and it makes me feel nauseous. It's also the main reason I haven't joined any Metal forums up until now, because they all seem to follow the same colour schemes that I don't like looking at.

Taptalk: This isn't something I'll use. I have an App, it's called the web browser, and it has all the functionality that I need, which often isn't replicated in other people's apps (increasing text size, finding text on the page, having multiple pages open, copy+paste of text... basically all the features I'm used to in a browser). Also, I've got a "crappy" modern phone with not much disk space on it, because most of it is used by the operating system and some of my apps won't let me move them to the SD card. So I avoid installing any apps that I don't need, and have even had to resort to uninstalling ones just to give me some space back.

Adverts: I'm running with an Ad Blocker on my tablet, and will be keeping it turned on. I have no objection to adverts if they are unobtrusive and don't cause performance issues. However, I have had ongoing technical issues with Flash and the current Android operating system (Lollipop). Basically, Lollipop doesn't handle Flash as well as it used to, and is full of memory leaks and keeps crashing, and Google won't fix it (despite me submitting numerous problem reports). Multiple adverts or embedded YouTube videos causes dreadful performance issues when loading pages, so I ended up rolling back to a previous version of Android and am running an Ad Blocker. If adverts were just static images or animated GIFs then that would be fine (as they still are on a few sites I use), but I will do my best to avoid Flash (ah-ahhh).

Mobile version: Make sure the mobile version is available on a tablet. I use a couple of websites where they make the assumption that I would only want to use the mobile version on my phone (presumably detecting screen size?), and don't give me that option on my tablet which is a bit of an oversight because it's still smaller than a PC monitor.
How does this look for those wanting a blue theme option?


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Blue theme looks solid.

Will there be functionality to quick save or "mark" a post for later? Say a video or such in a specific post you like? You can do it with the current functionality with permalink and browser bookmarks, but the save feature of Reddit is pretty awesome and hella convenient. If that's something you can turn on within the forum framework it would be awesome.
I like the theme, but I don't like the layout. I'd like the forum to fill my whole screen, and the threads and posts to be flatter. I hate unnecessary scrolling.
What's wrong with using white text like we have now? It would be more readable if the text/background contrast was a little higher (I dont like the grey text). Everything else looks good, but seeing the name below the avatar will take a little getting used to.
There's a toggle to expand the width.

As far as being flattened, I know what you're saying, but that may stay. 1 for 2?! :)

None of these are really big of a deal, but every forum does that if they are changing design, and I'd like atleast one to stay the same :)

What's wrong with using white text like we have now? It would be more readable if the text/background contrast was a little higher (I dont like the grey text). Everything else looks good, but seeing the name below the avatar will take a little getting used to.

Personally I think it's a good change. Grey text is great for reading at night, easier on the eyes. Maybe it could be swichable, like day/night mode?
The text on this site is actually grey not white, same on the new one. I do have some text on the new one that is a slightly darker grey if it is not pure content, supporting text.

When the new one launches we'll play that by ear and see how overall it is for everyone. I'm being very careful about being too abrupt on color changes. That said, I do plan to implement my full on unicorn rainbow theme about a month after launch. Watch out!

(yes, a joke)