Thanks , I was actually meaning what "real" cabs were the impulses took from thats all , I know about the amp sims they sound good with the impulses (Solo C especially) but I still prefer the POD 5150 if tweaked enough, thanks for the info anyway.
How do you guyes handle noice (noicegate, hush etc..) when using 7170 and Solo C together? When using Amplitube no prob I just use the one built in...
How do you guyes handle noice (noicegate, hush etc..) when using 7170 and Solo C together? When using Amplitube no prob I just use the one built in...

I'm preatty sure every DAW comes with a built in plugin for noise reduction... Well Cubase/Nuendo one is preatty crappy, but anyway it can help..
I'm preatty sure every DAW comes with a built in plugin for noise reduction... Well Cubase/Nuendo one is preatty crappy, but anyway it can help..

Yes the one built in Cubase are truly crappy!! I get a delay when I play...Maybee I use it wrong ? I tried to use Waves Compression and gate, It works ok..But not great.
Yes the one built in Cubase are truly crappy!! I get a delay when I play...Maybee I use it wrong ? I tried to use Waves Compression and gate, It works ok..But not great.

Wave Xnoise is really good for what I've heard, but it's not meant to work with live monitoring, it introduces loooot of latency..
@ Ryan/CatharsisStudios

first of all you're a fucking legend for these impulses. My question traces back to your original sample in the start of this thread.
That sort of mix/tone is terrifying. I would love to know a little more on your processing if you would be kind enough to share, but i'd understand if otherwise, having already been more than generous with these impulses.

You say there is no eq on the guitar?!! amazing.
but i'd love to know of any other processing hints you can offer ( TSS? 7170/ Solo C settings? / drums ((AD??)) / master bus insight)
would be MOST welcome!

heres hoping!

@ Ryan/CatharsisStudios

...(snipped)...but i'd love to know of any other processing hints you can offer ( TSS? 7170/ Solo C settings? / drums ((AD??)) / master bus insight)
would be MOST welcome!

heres hoping!


Personally I dislike almost every "metal" tone I hear today and I hope this s-preshigh thingy (don't wanna take anything away from Ryan's efforts and skills here!) doesn't eventually lead to a degeneration of tones.

You see, you're needing more settings because the impulse doesn't bring the magic by itself and it will definitely NOT work with all amps and stuff...listen this, its the raw poweramp sound from my JMP used with s-preshigh impulse and then this, which is how I liked it to sound with my own custom made cab sim.

Half assed offtopic:

Think me (or this tone example) as a "curtain remover" cause I can make your tones to come more alive and powerful. Try me. Post your best (in the mix or alone) guitar tone and then I post how I'd like it to sound.
did you know that if you record the power-amp signal and the final signal that you're custom cabsim gives you simultaneously you can deconvolve an impulse of that cab sim? might be useful to you or others. Also works if you record a power-amp signal from you amp together with the signal your mic pics up. You can deconvolve, deconvolve, deconvolve :heh:
