I really think I'm beginning to hate you now Lasse!!! :D Fuck dude - that is one sweet amp - congrats!!! Can't wait to hear the clips...
Main differencies between the Hot Rod 100 and the 5150III?
You have an EVH If I remember correct...
OH FUCKING NO YOU DIDNTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT............... no more BogShall.... that was my favorite and most coveted amp in your collection :(

I'm sure this is sick, I'd trust your ear but WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY lol.

Congrats =D
I'm quite interested on this thread, since I'm thinking of getting one (or a SLO) if I sell my X88R (clips here, btw). I like the X88R a lot but I've heard wonders about those heads. Please comment your impressions after you play with it a little more!

old and slow ?
:lol: Here's been ahead of Rosberg the last couple of races, can't really complain 'bout him being slow now.