new guitar


Feb 8, 2006
planet troll
yes it is your resident guitar newb again...

Alright so i really need a new guitar....

Right now im using a bc rich virgin with a dimebucker in the bridge and a duncan distortion in the neck. this thing is such a piece of shit i cant handle it anymore.

Im mainly a metal player and i want a guitar that is really fast that i can just fly across the fretboard with. There is nothing more beutiful to me the just a blindy fast solo.

anyways here are the guitars i was considering

-yngwie malmsteen signature strat, i have never even played this lol but yngwie is one of my favorite players and we both have big rino hands, plus i was please with other fenders i have played.
-Jackson randy rhoads rr1, this is the guitar i have had my eye on mostly, i played it at guitar center and it was a dream, the only thin i found bad about it was that it didnt have 24 frets.
-jackson dinky, my buddy as one sweet guitar
-dean dime from hell, this guitar its just so sexy and is nice and fast.

any suggestions anyone? im really open to any kind of guitar expect anohter bc rich... lmao
get a fender, an esp, or a modulus. (I have a modulus bass, and our guitarist uses all 3, and they sound excellent)
steve vai and paul gilbert both give me a hard on so ibanez is definally something ill have to look at. I think guitar center i s stating to get pissed off at me though...
(i go in and play about 20 guitars and dont buy anything)
even though everybody else does the same thing...

thx alot man.

and no money isnt a real object. Im under 18 so my parents still pay for food and im working now so its just a matter of time till i have enough money.

btw when i say im a guitar newb im dont mean a total newb... I have only been playing for about 7 months but im still one of the best guitars in my school. I put in about 6 hours a days.

anyways thx again.
The crazy thing about Ibanez is that once you start playing on the Wizard necks, no other neck feels as good because there so freakin fast and thin. The RG350DX is a great mid lvl guitar, it looks cool, plays great, and you can get them under $400, and really the only thing you gotta do is get good pickups for it and it will scream.

And I think Montu forgot to tell you to make sure if you get a fender, or ESP, make sure its a American Fender or an actual ESP, not that LTD junk, or Mexican crap...

of course theres one other option, the Holy Grail of Guitars:the almighty Jackson Custom Shop :worship:
go ahead, build your dream:
RobbM said:
The crazy thing about Ibanez is that once you start playing on the Wizard necks, no other neck feels as good because there so freakin fast and thin. The RG350DX is a great mid lvl guitar, it looks cool, plays great, and you can get them under $400, and really the only thing you gotta do is get good pickups for it and it will scream.

I actually hated the Wizard neck so much I went with ESP, which has a more stratlike curve to the back of the neck. ;) Its all personal preferrence.

And I think Montu forgot to tell you to make sure if you get a fender, or ESP, make sure its a American Fender or an actual ESP, not that LTD junk, or Mexican crap...

LTD's are not junk. the LTD line is ESP's production line. They make LTD's that are the same quality as the top of the line Ibanez's out there (and the same quality as the not so good Ibanezs). ESP is the name ESP uses for the guitars that come from their custom shop, so they are of the highest custom shop quality, except that they're sort of "production" custom shops, if that makes sense. an "ESP" guitar is about 10x the quality of even the highest level production Ibanez guitars, and I know first hand because I've owned both. But don't downplay the LTDs because they're missing the "ESP" logo, many are very well made.
RobbM said:
:lol: thats the funniest thing ive ever heard, ever..I guess you've never played a J Custom or a Jem... just mentioned J Customs...those are not standard Ibanez production models are they? They are very limited and come from their custom shop. I was comparing LTDs to production model Ibanez guitars.
well, you said "top of the line Ibanez's out there" and there as top of the line as you can get now, there not that rare, but are only available in Japan..

for ibanez quality it pritty much goes (from low to high):

standard JEM/PGM/JS/Universe
Anniversary JEM/PGM/JS
J Custom Shop, Japan.
US Custom Shop (ended in 1996, VERY rare guitars)
uh my heart is pretty much set on the RG350DX

but what pups should i put on it? I have already choosen the X2N is going on the bridge, anything else?

I might only use the bridge pickup, so buying others might be a waste of money. What do you guys think?

Oh and if you guys know a good website where i can get a black pickguard for it also?

thx again
oh alright, thanks. For some reason i was under the impression the bridge pickup is used more often. Probley because the bridge dimebucker on my B.C. rich is way better then the duncan distortion on the neck.

So if the neck pickup is for shreding, then guitars with only bridge pickups are mainly for rhythm players?

Edit: Alright i just spent about 30 minutes looking at the evolution pickups and i really havnt seen a flaw yet! So would you say a X2N at the bridge and a Evo at the neck is good?

And what about the middle pickup? worth changing??

and yea and also, when im on musicansfriend, if gives me the option for F-Space, whats that?

im sorry about asking so many questons but your being a big help thanks alot.
Get something extremely 80's, like a vintage bright neon-pink and yellow Kramer explorer!!!! And drop your pickups in that mothafukka tharr!
Get something extremely 80's, like a vintage bright neon-pink and yellow Kramer explorer!!!! And drop your pickups in that mothafukka tharr!


as much as i love the 80s and even with the fact that i cut the sleeves off all my shirts (80s style). I dont know if i could handle that. My head might explode from the extreme level of awesomness...
F-spaced are for (F)loyd Rose equipped guitars, since the strings are space a little bit farther apart from most hardtails and standard trems. So these f spaced buckers are a bit wider to match, something like 3mm....

when chosing pickups, you usually want to match the outputs so when you switch, you dont get a drop or gain in volume when you do. You want to match the DC Resistance as close as you can, for example, the X2N is around 15.8 ohms and a Evo is around 13.84 ohms, so there close enough. However, the X2N has a much higher output due to its design, so im not really sure how they would sound, but DiMarzio says it will work with any other high output pickup.
Oh, I see.

The edge tremelo, is floyd rose type so that it f spaced also?

dude, like serously im in debt to you... You have been like a HUGE help.
basically there are 3 different standard types of tremolos:

Standard Fender type (Strung thru the bridge from the bottom, no locking


Floyd Rose type

A Floyd Rose type is any tremolo that has string clamps and fine tuners, also 99% of the time, a floyd rose equipt guitar will also have a locking nut at the top. The Edge is just one brand of these types, see, after Mr.Rose invented the locking tremolo, he patented it, then licenced the use of the patent to everyone to copy and reproduce, since it really is a flawless system. There are good copys, and really shitty copys, The Edge and its sisters, Edge Pro, Edge Pro II, etc are considered one of the top copys from the origional, some even say its better.

Another way of looking at it: You invent a car with 4 wheels and 4 doors, nothing more, that was your idea, all other cars before this, didnt have that. Now, if a car manufacturer want to build a car with 4 wheels, and 4 doors, he has to pay you to do it, really, this is the same idea as the floyd rose. Now think about it, not every car is the same or has the same quiality, but they all have 4 wheels and 4 doors. He doesnt make $ from each one sold, he just makes money from each licence he sells to manufactures, this is why you will see "Floyd rose licenced" stamped on any non origional Floyd Rose tremolo.

There are disadvantages to a FRT, First off, They tend to have the weakest tone out of all the tremolos, and the least sustain. Although it really isn't that bad, unless your really looking for holy grail tone that only something like a Les Paul or PRS can give you. It usually takes a while to change strings and get everything in tune and up and running (its usually a 45min to 1 hour job) and if you change tunings or string guage, the entire guitar has to be reset up and intonated. Another thing too, you really cant do double stops (bending 2 strings at once, or bending one string while another is ringing out), you can, but it takes a lot of getting use too. this is because the bridge is floating and when you bend, you pull the bridge up, which causes the other strings to go flat. In one way this is good though, because it forces you to train your ears to pitch.

Other than that, there awesome. First off, a properly set up FRT will stay in tune for a really long time, even after crazy whammy work. You can Pull up and bring the strings to slack and go right back into tune. The Fine Tuners allow for quick tuning adjustments on the fly.

Hopefully this isnt going to scare you away from getting one, because once you've learned how to use it, you'll love it, but I dont recommend them to new players, although if you had no other choice, getting a guitar with the Edge Pro II would be your best bet because its very easy to use, more so than most standard FRTs becasue you dont have to cut the balls of the ends, check out the specs:

If you think you'll never have the need for whammy work, you might look into getting a hard tail guitar, something thats string-thru-body perhaps. You can also have a luthor block it off so that its basically a hard tail but stays in tune like a FRT should. There are also add on spring stabilizers and such as well, but this is going way beyond what you need.

check out this sexy guitar
alright, that clears everything up

so do you approve?:

-Ibanez RG350DX
-X2N on bridge
-Evolution on neck


I am really freaken glad to be getting a new guitar, that old B.C. Rich has about 4 buzzed notes and is just slow as hell. Not to mention It is string through, and i want a tremelo...