new guitar

I would go to a local guitar store/Guitar Center and play around with it and see if you like it first off..

The local GC near me had like 4 of them last time I was in there..Try a RGT42 too, its one up from the 350dx, and a rg1570 is one up from that...
lol, i dont really know if i trust a brand i have never played, but that does look pretty cool.

IMO 24 is the highest notes i need. Anything else is overkill.

I have one last queston also.

Since i have the edge Tremelo system i need f-spaced ,but the X2N doesnt have the option of F-Spaced, i am assuming since it is has the 2 big bar bucker things (dont know the word for them) it can equip both Floyd Rose and Standard spacings. Correct?
i bought the rg350 recently, plays like a dream and the pickup combo ended up working really nice with each other.

Ill post some pics as soon as i get my camera working.

Thx alot
what a sexy beast.

these are the times i wish i worked more then one day a week so i would have that money...

if im lucky nobody will buy it until i do...
um im getting a bit of fret buzz when playing F on the low e string

any thing i could do to get rid of this? a truss rod ajustment or sumthing?
just raise the base side trem post a little until it goes away. did you get the guitar set up by a in house tech when you bought it? if not, its most likely been sitting on a stand or what not in the store for a while and needs a fresh set-up, intonation etc...
Alright i raised it up about a mm and its pretty much gone.

Think it would be wise to take it up to guitar center for a tune up?

i got it straight out of the orginal ibanez box.
Yes, you should always take a new guitar in for a proper set up. All the shipping it has gone through has taken the guitar through various climates and different temperatures which can make the wood swell and contract. Get it set up professionally. See if the tech will let you watch so you can learn. And ask around for the best tech in your city.
War_Blade said:
Alright i raised it up about a mm and its pretty much gone.

Think it would be wise to take it up to guitar center for a tune up?

i got it straight out of the orginal ibanez box.

OMG yes, I never play a guitar until its been set up by a pro. Almost all factory set ups blow because they do like 10 a min on an assembly-line. and ask him to show you how to do simple setups and restrings etc..cause floyds are a bitch. Unless you want to take it in each time you want new strings...
Floyds are such good bridges for tremolo and shit like that, but they're such a bitch to keep and set up and shit. My first guitar witha Floyd was my 7 string. I didnt fuck around with that, because it's my only 7 string. I have multiple 6's, and fucking up my only 7 string would suck. So when I got my long awaited Jackson, I had to (and still do) do a million adjustments to get it perfect.