new guitar

There's a nice as hell Ibanez in my local music store that I've had my eye on for SO long for a step down axe.

Next week, after reminding the shop owner that he promised me a job, I'm gonna ask to see if I can put it on hold or something, because it's an amazing guitar. (I just hope that if I do get it, it doesn't take as long as my Jackson.) I'm thinkin' of loading it with the Duncan Livewire Metal set w/ a Livewire Single Coil and seeing if I can get the top 4 fretts (21-24) scalloped.
Ptah Khnemu said:
There's a nice as hell Ibanez in my local music store that I've had my eye on for SO long for a step down axe.

Next week, after reminding the shop owner that he promised me a job, I'm gonna ask to see if I can put it on hold or something, because it's an amazing guitar. (I just hope that if I do get it, it doesn't take as long as my Jackson.) I'm thinkin' of loading it with the Duncan Livewire Metal set w/ a Livewire Single Coil and seeing if I can get the top 4 fretts (21-24) scalloped.

How far you going down? I've never had great tone from my Ibbys going any farther than 1 step. probably cause the necks are so thin and its a floyd rose...and scalloping the last 4 frets are easy, i've done it on 3 guitars..
alright were should i begain...

okay you i take my guitar into guitar center and the guy tells me that nothing is wrong with it. Although i can clearly hear fret buzz. After about 10 minutes of showing himit he finally admits he hears it. Then he tells me its just my strings.

So i take it home and change the strings which was a totall pain in the ass cause i had to figure it out without anybodys help, but still i have fret buzz....

Im just gonna kept toying with it till i fix it... cause im all out of ideas
How low is your action? if its really really low, your gonna have a little buzz no matter what the guitar or the strings. If the buzz is so feint that even the guitar tech can barely hear it, your just being way to picky. Its not going to affect your sound or your playing in anyway...

If it really bothers you, you can do this little trick to find the buzzed fret. Go to radio shack, buy a LED, a alligator clip, and a battery box that will power it, and you might need some wire too. wire it up so that one side is connected to the LED, and the other side has the lead comming out of the battery box and connected to a alligator clip. Clip the clip to your bridge or a string other than the sting thats buzzing. Now pluck the string and touch the unconnected side of the LED to a fret, and work your way up until the LED flickers. thats the fret thats buzzing. you can polish the fret a little with a dremel or something of the sort, or take it to a tech and tell him the to polish it down.
I couldn't have said it better than Robb just said it. In fact, I don't think I could've even thought of it.
Hey ABQ, I thought you might like this, its a custom guitar built by some luthor in Argentina. Its the sickest JPM I've ever seen....

dude i love that fret buzz trick u just saved me hours of pain on my new custom lol i bought first took the neck off a cheap 80s guitar of an unkown brand sanded it down to be as thin as the one on my 76 strat then we repainted it pink put an invader in the put a small layer over the top humbuckers hole i only use one pickup and so the guitar has great sustain due to the resonant chamber in it awesome sound from the pickup and it has a smooth neck just some buzz in a few frets i can now fix it thanks robb
holy crap thats awesome.

thx, i would have never thought of that, and yea the buzz is annoying the hell out of me, so that is well worth 15 buying

oh would i go about increasing my action?
does anyone know where to get custom fretboards ?? cuz id love to get mine redone w/ some rad stuff in it
I've had some really lengthy conversations with him. He's a really nice guy and knows his stuff..The front LEDs are bit over the top, but I wouldnt mind getting side LEDs...