new here too

`Hi there! Take a beer *handing one over* You´ll need one, if you plan to sty here for a while...:) I´ll be Phyros. I am the... Hmmmm... the....hmmm... blue glowing rabbit that always looks surprised? Yeah, that would be me...:)

take care!

-phyros (drunk)
Evaluate that: I woke up at 10:00am and went to get that CD by Vintersorg - "Cosmic Genesis". I'm listening to it now, moreover I gotten drunk too :) er.. very nice melodic metal ... very good !!!
On the list of my faves now ;)

And yehj, I ll be looking for other Vintersorg albums. very nice sound you know, I actually presumed that it would be like Dimmu Borgir, because of bands title -Vintersorg, sometthing dark and brutal, but it is really melodic and I love that :)
Guess I haven't posted here yet... But I've seen you around at the Children of Bodom forum, and obviously the In Flames forum. Well, welcome to the Vintersorg forum, it's much different then In Flames and Children of Bodom, we're all so nice to each other, but as I warned the other new guy, watch out for Blackspirit, she's evil! :D
Hello everyone again! :)

@DeadWinterDead: Yeah, I've seen you too at Children Of Bodom & In Flames forums :) Okey, I'll try to beware of Blackspirit :D
@Phyros: Hi ! Your avatar kinda reminds of those dread knights out of Lord Of The Rings movie, it's just the first thought that got in my mind when I saw your avatar o_O :zombie: pft :lol:
Cheese, those new smiles are hilarious!

Yup, great atmosphere here :wave:
The greatest vintersorgmasterpiece ever is called "Norrland"
Some of his other masterpieces that is vital to hear is Svältvinter, till fjälls, när alver sina runor sjungit, isjungfrun,fångad utav nordens själ, vildmarkens förtrollade stämmor, offerbäcken, i den trolska dalens hjärta etc

Magic spells to grab u in the winterdarkness...or something like that :)

But avoid his new stuff in english least in the beginning...well i's good songs,, but not magical ones :)
Originally posted by vargalyster
But avoid his new stuff in english least in the beginning...well i's good songs,, but not magical ones :)

I think it has it's very own spirit!!!

By the way, I like the way you joined us vargalyster, no extra thread saying hi I'm new, etc...
I usually ignore the "new" threads :p

oh, of course not to forget to welcome ChildInFlames.
hehehehehe yeap....the I'm New threads become annoying after 876868970978876 times welcoming....I enjoy this way of introducing :) Well at least Final_Vision made a thread for newbies on DT so everyone who was new posted there :p
I guess 50% of attempts completed there ;)
btw where the heck is Final Vision????
@Blackspirit: You're right, you are very nice, sweet, and also very cute.

@FV: I was wondering the same thing, I knew someone with a lot of posts was missing, but he'll have a lot to catch up on when he gets back.

(blushes for calling Blackspirit cute).
*opens the door and looks out...No, no F_V there... Then, where can he be? SEAN!? SEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN??!!! We miss you!!!*

Some of his other masterpieces that is vital to hear is Svaltvinter, till fjalls, nar alver sina runor sjungit, isjungfrun,fangad utav nordens sjal, vildmarkens fortrollade stammor, offerbacken, i den trolska dalens hjarta etc

:eek: that is alot of songs, are they from the same album?

Err, sorry Blackspirit, I don't know you yet. :)

But avoid his new stuff in english least in the beginning...well i's good songs,, but not magical ones

Hmm, I think Cosmic Genesis CD is quite good.