new here too

Welcome, ChildInFlames and vargalyster! I've added both of your birthdays to my list so that I won't forget (hopefully) ;)

And btw, there's not really any evil ppl here :p Anyone saying that is lying! You'll understand that from the thred about all the lovely ppl at this board ;)

And now; head to the party thread! We like partying here, you see. Beer, mead, whatever you like, bring it! :cool:
There are a few here claiming to be evil, but if they do they are, just as our nice tusse so amptly put it, lying!

I am a nice chap myself...:grin:

-phyros (rambling, ohhhh yes!)
It really sucks that Vintersorg plays in Oslo in March..Beacause I live in sweden..and I'm broke.

anyway...all here that's in to metal/nature/trolls etc why not add me ont icq: 21612621
so the ones who from the begining said they aren't evil, now they are???? I don't want to be least not out of a bed ;)

fathervic (good kiddie there)
I'm good in an evil way. Ya know? If you don't let me show you what I mean...
Welcome to ChildInFlames!

I'm new here too... but I'm also evil, or at least semi-annoying and very weird...
Thank you... :)

yeah, liquor is good... but it makes me say more weird things since I have no few inhibitions while buzzed... booze... yeah...
welcome mouse :) Good to see ya decided to drop by, seems many people are finding the wonders of this board, i remember only when I first came, it was like, 2 threads replied to each day lol.
S&M¿¿¿??? astarte?

hey mousewings!!!!!!!! you changed your avatar!!!!!! well don't know which I preferred.....I suppose the old one, but it's time to get used to the new one :)
Vel komen te detta gilde forumet, mousewings! Or welcome, if you understand more then.... Yup-yup, we have a party-thread, alright, and on Sunday, it will be someones birthday to!! Vargalyster's! A pity it's a whole year to your own bd. But, hey, there'll be lots of bd's before that time. Added you to my bd-list, btw.

@DWD: Maybe if you would accept a drink, maybe you could have some fun to, and forget about all those girls for a moment! Here's some mead for you! ;)