new here too

sounds like the good ol FV too me, but I think you left the barcoded chips in the candy dispenser, thats where I left my medicine anyway :confused: :cry:

Oh yeah welcome ansuz!! :grin:
Originally posted by Morgana
Few days off and we have some newbies. Welcome to you all and you all deserve some cookies, like astarte already mention, for not making a new thread about it!

I hadn't read this thread before, now I'll have to watch while the other newbies eat their cookies :waah:
Originally posted by AnsuzAstral
Rather than thanking for ones entering of the board, you should wish for a long stay and a good friendship :) ;)

Have you been reading Hávamál lately? -Just curious...... Well, welcome, again; I'll do it properly this time:
Hope you'll enjoy our forum. Here's water and a towel; now we'll serve you food and good drink (head over to the party thread) :) Til árs ok frithar! (That's better? ;) )
Have read it lately, by accident at some friend's house... why do you ask? ;)

Hope I proove worthy of your welcomes.

Party thread? Where's the mead? :lol: :lol: Is there some party thread?
Originally posted by AnsuzAstral
Have read it lately, by accident at some friend's house... why do you ask? ;)

Hope I proove worthy of your welcomes.

Party thread? Where's the mead? :lol: :lol: Is there some party thread?

Course you are! ;) Why I asked? Nah, it was just what you said about a long stay and good friendship.... that sounded so Hávamál. Especially the latter, since The one-eyed gives lots of advice concerning friendship.... I'll bring home-brewed mead to the party, btw ;) :grin:
DWD: really??? I just wanted to be friendly, don't want anybody to be scared, and hey, a barcoded chip in the neck is not something to be afraid of, many movies do use them!!!

@f_v found them, but I fear someone already ate one of I'll have to insert one candy in someone's neck!!! I have no other option :lol:
In that case, Fjelltussa, these words came from myself, not as a quote or something from the Havamal :)

Ok, I admit, I didn't get the joke with the barcoded chip - I mean, I thought potato chip bags are usually barcoded :rolleyes: :lol: :lol: - now I got what you meant by chip! :lol: :lol:
well the chip on itself it might not be barcoded, I meant those chips they use to barcode doggies this times, and the same one so many times we've seen in sci-fi movies used to a) barcode ppl in jail b) make the film a bit more interesting :D

fathervic (sometimes difficult to explain himself)