New Immortal released this month

what?!? you're not more than a little ridiculous BM wannabe in MY eyes. I think you are just a 16 years old fat attention-whore girl. how can anybody take anything serious you wrote when your name is brutal hate? :lol:

My username comes from band names "Hate Forest" and "Brutal Truth". Of course you would know these bands, if you would listen some other than Bodom 24/7 and worshipping OMGAlexi.
Well, I don't care where your name comes from. It is just laughable and so are the band names you've mentioned. But of course they are so famous that everybody has to know them but I think I'm not "true" enough. And just I only did Bodom covers doesnt mean that this is the only kind of music I listen to. :rolleyes: So you my friend are teh gheyzor
Well, I don't care where your name comes from. It is just laughable and so are the band names you've mentioned. But of course they are so famous that everybody has to know them but I think I'm not "true" enough. And just I only did Bodom covers doesnt mean that this is the only kind of music I listen to. :rolleyes: So you my friend are teh gheyzor

Believe me, your fanboism is more laughable. You are the ultimate fanboi.

Seriously :lol: Love this BM kid. Can't wait until he discovers true bm and realizes how lame his thoughts are :lol:.

I know true BM. I hope you would open your mind, cus you ain't that stupid as you make yourself look like.

classic close-minded BM freak this shit should be in psychology books by now

No u.
I know true BM. I hope you would open your mind, cus you ain't that stupid as you make yourself look like.

Almost touched <3

But yeah brah, its too obvious you're a troll sometimes :lol:.
Troo black metal isn't about advertising how metal you are, thus you will never get it.

Enjoy half the true spirit of your only favourite music.
Girl, you should learn how to give better contra. Just saying I'm the ultimate fanboi cause I own a Alexi guitar is not enough.

Fanboi, it's not just cus your guitar. You are obsessed obviously. Listening Bodom 24/7, getting Bodom tattoo, sucking some random cocks etc.

yeah man, I mean virtually all my covers are Amon Amarth covers and I have an Explorer, does that make me a fanboy?


Don't know. Nah, you wouldn't go low as Arcane.